working out on holiday...

Hey fitness pals!

I'm lucky enough to be going on a summer holiday next month, 1 week, smack bang in the last month of ChaLean Xtreme. Does anyone know of any audio only workouts I could download for my iPod so that I can maintain whilst I am away, or any tips on how to motivate yourself to exercise when you could be hitting the beach?

Thanks everyone!


  • aimeemaryrose
  • RachelHancock
    That does look good thank you, and pretty cheap too,
    thank you!
  • aimeemaryrose
    p.s. I have no tips on motivation whilst on holiday - I would just end up swigging cocktails all week and completely ruining my diet whilst I was away, so well done to you for wanting to!
  • RachelHancock
    It's gonna be tough for sure!!! Hopefully being broke will limit the cocktails!
  • aimeemaryrose
    Ah yes that will do it! I'd try and get the exercise done first thing in the morning. a) it will be cooler that time of day,and b) gets it out of the way and you can feel smug for the rest of the day! Enjoy! :0)
  • RachelHancock