
BenedictFarrer Posts: 3
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself

Just to say that I have recently been recommended this site as want to lose around 5 stone. I am not very clued-up about nutrition and have already leaned that some things that are staples on my shopping list (orange juice, biscuits) need to be seen as occasional treats, not things I always have in.

Not interested in depriving myself of all my favourite unhealthy foods, but will cut down on them and try not to go over 1,800 calories a day at the most.

Thanks for your time.



  • BakingGranny
    BakingGranny Posts: 112 Member
    Benedict,you don't have to deprive yourself from ANYTHING.If you do and you finally get your hands on it you're gonna pig out and defeat everything you have strived for. Just cut down and make your diet a variety of things for whatever works for you. Don't let ppl dictate to you. You shouldn;t eat this or drink that or your exercising is wrong.Do what feels good for your bidy. Yoyr body will tell you when you need to do something different. Just stay within the goals MFP has set for you and you should be ok. God bless you as we journey together on this road.
  • Welcome to MFP, Benedict. You will find lots of information on food..and exercise here . Also the great support from everyone is great.
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi Benidict, and welcome to MFP you have came to the right place the support on here is amazing, I have to admit I do not diet I like to think of it as a lifestyle change and never deny myself a goodie the only difference is I choose slightly better options then I used to , I try and eat more fruit and veg and drink my 8 glasses of water a day, portion sizes is very important though. I wish you good luck and with a little determination and the help of MFP members you will be on the road to success in no time.
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