how to lose fat - good article



  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    The routine would be based on squats, deadlifts, rows, chin-ups (or pulldowns) and presses using heavy(ish) weights and low (5-8) repetitions.

    This is all that I do. A 5x5 program with Squats, deadlifts, bench press, rows, and press. Works great! In 6 months I am down 27 lbs of fat and up 6 lbs of muscle for a net loss of 21 lbs. This is also including a caloric deficit. I do very little, to no cardio.
  • christian_finn

    This is all that I do. A 5x5 program with Squats, deadlifts, bench press, rows, and press. Works great! In 6 months I am down 27 lbs of fat and up 6 lbs of muscle for a net loss of 21 lbs. This is also including a caloric deficit. I do very little, to no cardio.

    Sounds like you're making great progress Greg, some of those lift stats are pretty impressive!
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    That's a really good article. It lays it all out plain and simple.
    And you have to eat and eat well. The body doesn't respond well to exercise if you aren't giving it enough fuel.

    And to the girls: heavy weight won't bulk you up! We don't have enough testosterone for that to happen. Heavy weight will make you strong and increase your fat burning ability during rest, normal activity and even sleep. I have a friend here that can deadlift 240lbs!!!! And she doesn't look like a bodybuilder. She just looks strong!

    Some women, especially those of us with PCOS do have enough testosterone to bulk up. Ask me how I know.............because I am super bulked with muscle due to this................

    Some symptoms of high testosterone in women..............My doctor (who is a Naturopathic Dr) is working with me to get the testosterone levels down and has suggested only medium weights for me until its under control, which is going well..........
    Increased Hair Growth: Often women with high testosterone levels may develop increased hair growth on the upper lip, face, chest, nipples, lower abdomen and other parts of the body. Additionally, fine body hairs may turn course and darken.

    Male Pattern Baldness: High levels of testosterone in women can also result in a thinning of the scalp hair, a condition called androgenic alopecia, especially if a woman has a genetic disposition to baldness.

    Deepening of the Voice: This symptom may be a gradual change of high vocal pitches or a rapid change.

    Change in Body Shape: Over a long period of time, without treatment, women with high testosterone may find that their muscle mass increases, body fat is redistributed and in rare cases enlargement of the *kitten* occurs.
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member

    I have to say that reducing my sugar to keep my blood sugar steady, eating lower GI foods, and eating regularly was my saving grace. It's the advice I give others who are trying to lose weight.

    I really do think that following these simple things helps you avoid cravings and therefore helps you reduce calorie and fat intake naturally.

    I relied on the GI a lot in the late 1990's. Not so much these days. When people cut out the stuff they know is bad for them (refined carbohydrates like cookies, cakes, crisps, or sweets) and replace it with fruits, vegetables and protein-rich foods, they lower the GI of their diet without having to pay the slightest bit of attention to it.

    Agreed :o)

    I suppose it's just the whole learning about GI and 'knowing stuff is bad for them' is kind of one and the same... I still know people who don't know what GI is or why a slice of granary is better than a croissant :o)
  • christian_finn

    I suppose it's just the whole learning about GI and 'knowing stuff is bad for them' is kind of one and the same... I still know people who don't know what GI is or why a slice of granary is better than a croissant :o)

    Most people know that cookies, cakes, crisps and sweets are not going to help them lose weight without any knowledge of the GI.
  • geeky1
    geeky1 Posts: 142
    Fascinating stuff. Could someone kindly define 'deadlift'?
  • christian_finn
    Fascinating stuff. Could someone kindly define 'deadlift'?

    Here it is:

    Tricky one to get right though, especially for women. The squat or sumo deadlift may be a better alternative.
  • geeky1
    geeky1 Posts: 142
    Thanks so much for your help ;)