Hi... I need some help...

ilive4potter Posts: 5
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Hello... i have been doing this for about a week and I have been eating right and exersizing but i can't see a difference. I know that I shouldn't judge it before I try it but I haven't felt a difference like other people have in a week.

I'm stressed, and when I'm stressed I tend to eat .... A LOT.

Help me. I'm so not motivated anymore. And I wanna be swwet-looking for Senior Prom this year... :)


  • CNYKrista
    CNYKrista Posts: 61
    Are you tracking everything? Maybe your calorie goal is too low or too high? Stick with it it will work! i will send you a request and you can view my diary for food tips if you'd like? Hang in there!
  • kbarker69
    kbarker69 Posts: 14
    You won't always see progress. It can depend on several factors but is no reason to be discouraged! You've been at it a week! Give yourself some credit. :) Be very consistent with your calorie intake and exercise and be sure to log EVERYTHING! You will see a difference. I've been at it for 15 weeks and have lost 26 pounds. There are times when it is easy and times when it is not, but consistency has definitely paid off.
  • k_b_fit
    k_b_fit Posts: 19 Member
    I had the same thing happen. For the first week and a half... But now the scale is starting to change... slowly but surely.

    My calorie was too high so I changed my weight loss to 2 pounds a week instead of 1 and that help a lot.

    Just stick with it. You can do it!
  • jwill10
    jwill10 Posts: 30
    Senior Prom is sooo exciting :) And coming soon too! Stick with it, put reminders up where ever you can. Such as Bright sticky notes on the cabinets and fridge that say 30 days to go. If you find yourself wanting something to snack on, set a timer for 10min and do something else that involves your hands (like knitting, or typing) and drink some water, when the timer goes off you may find that you dont want to snack anymore. Also if possible you may want to see how much a personal trainer might be for 1 or 2 days a week to give you that extra calorie burn.
    Don't stress too much, have lots of fun and good luck <3
  • Dattard
    Dattard Posts: 10
    I found the same kind of thing happening, and my issue was I was not taking in enough calories in one day. I was undereating and when you do that your body HANGS ONTO EVERY CALORIE.

    The other thing that helped was eating on a schedule... Seriously. You do not want your blood sugar skyrocketing up and then dropping like a stone. So eat MINIMUM 4 times a day - same amount of calories just spread them out and eat at the same times every day for 2 weeks and see if it helps you!

    Good luck!
  • caboeyes
    caboeyes Posts: 24
    As a fellow Potter LOVER (even though I m so much older than you, but my daughters are also Potter nerds, so you know, it's ALL good!) I would love to help you and provide support. I was in your situation when I was a senior in high school, and here I am almost 25 years later and I haven't practiced what I know is good choice making. I am determined to do it this time while my girls are in high school so I can be the example I needed to see. You won't always see changes, but when you make the right choices and move your body, changes are happening. Have a positive attitude. You can create magic in your life. I know you know that! My girls joined Curves gym with me one month ago and yesterday we had our first one month measurement. They were apprehensive about it because they didn't feel any different. Great news is: C lost 16.75 inches overall, A lost 16 inches, G lost 12 inches. My point is, you don't always feel like what you're doing is making a difference, but believe that it is and if you fall back into bad habits, don't give up completely, just start each day brand new. It doesn't matter what you did yesterday. All that matters is right now.

    Stay magical and let me know if you ever need support!
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    You can do this! You can't change the past but you can change your future! I love that you have already started your lifestyle and not trying a fad diet! So that's a great beginning, give yourself time to adjust. Make sure you measure your food (with a scale) and be honest in your food diary, every morsel of food you put in your mouth you need to track it, even if it's just a bite. If you are over or you want to lose faster, exercise, it will bring up your calorie intake. (many people don't eat those calories, but it's your choice) Another reason could be you are in starvation mode, this means if you are really under your calorie intake, not only will you not lose weight but when you do eat, you will gain faster. It's hard to know what you are doing wrong if we don't see your food diary. Also, re-check your goals in MFP site to make sure you have entered the right amount that you want to lose a week. ( for exemple 1 or 2 pounds, I have 2 pounds cause I have alot to lose!) Don't forget to drink all your water, this will help take out all the toxins in your body which is very important! I know you can do this, keep it up, you will see some changes, sometimes it takes awhile. If you need extra motivation, stick motivaational sayings on your bathroom mirror, on the fridge... And remember the first few weeks of any weight loss regiment are going to be the hardest. So tough it out and it will get easier!:happy:
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