Is this maybe a plateau? Whats the deal why is this happenin

Hi. Im new. First post.

So.. (ill try and make this straight to the point). It feels like for me to lose any weight I have to eat as little as I can. I stay between 1100-1300 calories everyday, and have managed to atleast put in 20 minutes every day for some cardio excercise and nothing happens. No weight loss. Yesterday I stayed under my goal intake (although eating some crappy stuff, chocolate, gummies..), worked out half an hour and put on a half a pound. Very discouraging. I think its getting aggravating because Ive (okay im going to let my weight out, out in the open) been between 180-185 for a month and a half.
I started at 205, got down to 185 and been stuck between those numbers. It was the main reason I just started on this site to alteast give me a push to get out of these 180s!! Ive gotten to 180 two weeks ago, was 185 last week, 182 yesterday, 182.8 today.
Ive even started drinking water, normally I would consume around 4 glasses a day and ive been having 8/9/10.



  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Sounds like your not eating right, not doin enough exercises and not given it enough time. 1100 to 1300 calories seem low. And only doin 20 minutes a day of cardio and ??? what else??? Are you doin any weight trainig? Try doin more than only 20 minutes of cardio. Are you usin high intesity while doin your cardio? Sounds like you're not doin enough and your probably not eatin the right foods.
  • EzraCCM
    EzraCCM Posts: 47
    I understand your frustration! I was stuck on a plateau for several months. What I found out that might help you was:

    1) I was over-estimating what I ate. I started diligently measuring and weighing with a food scale and realized that I wasn't as accurate as I thought.

    2) Weight lifting helped. I was running and doing cardio, but when I started doing light weightlifting I saw a difference in the way I looked (although, not necessarily the scale)

    3) Don't forget what you eat matters too!! I used to "cheat" and eat chocolate or wine, and still stay under my calorie limit, but It wasn't helping me lose weight. Once I stopped eating crap and drinking wine (even if it was just a little but every day) the scale started moving again. So, now I've given up wine and goodies except for one serving 2 days a week. (so i'm not depriving myself, but i'm not being unreasonable, either.)

    This is just what I found that worked for me, hope it helps you too!
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    how's your sodium intake? I've noticed that if I eat sodium rich foods then my body holds the water i drink making it seem like i'm not losing or i gain 1-2 lbs when it's actually water.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Diaries are tools for you to use and if you are asking others for help they need to be able to see what you have been doing. It is impossible to give someone directions in the dark!!!!! It is impossible to give advise if we don't know what the problem(s) are. If you are asking for help, please open your diary so we can be as helpful as possible.
  • kbarker69
    kbarker69 Posts: 14
    I've been doing some reading and discussing things with my hubby as I'm getting to the point that exercise is truly going to play a key role for me. First, I've been reading that caloric intake should never fall below 1200 calories per day. If you allow your calorie intake to fall below 1200, you send your body into starvation mode and you won't lose any weight at all.

    Second, depending on your body, you may need a much longer more intense cardio work out in order to make a difference. I am not a lover of exercise and personally hate to be sweaty but once you start to sweat, you are making a difference in that calorie burn and that's important.

    I've also noticed that certain times of the month I don't lose weight as well no matter what I try. Try figuring all of these factors in and see what works for you.

    Good luck and stick with it.
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    1) How much has your total SODIUM been running per day? That will keep the weight going crazy. Recommended daily amount: 1500 mg. maximum. Stay away from high sodium content foods and beverages.

    2) Are you drinking any diet sodas? Those are bad news for losing weight.

    3) Are you making certain you're emptying your COLON every day? That stinky brown stuff weighs too, lol.

    4) Even if it is a plateau, stay with the program. Drink that water every day (half your body weight in ounces) or a minimum of 64 ounces/day. I was stuck with your same problem for more than 2 months.
  • suzziesunshine
    suzziesunshine Posts: 1 Member
    It might just be the combinations of foods you are eatting. If you eat carbs, try to eat some protein along with them. I use this site to track my food but the daily amounts they give you are a little different than what I've seen elsewhere. If you want to check out a book called "the diet doc's guide to permanent weight loss" by joe dlemcxewski and j scott uloth, I highly recommend it. It gives you the amounts of calories, fats, proteins, carbs you should be eatting daily based on your sex and height. It allows a lot more proteins, I'm 5'4" and it allows 70-90 grams of protein. The book was recommended to me by a friend who has lost a lot of weight and wants to eat healthier. Good luck and don't give up!
  • aimeemaryrose
    I've dropped my calorie limit and I'm consistently losing. I'm doing 1100 calories a day - I keep reading people saying that this is too low. well I'm only 4ft 11! I think that calorie limit is right for me, and if I'm losing, it must be OK right?! Bring down your calories slightly and cut out the crap except for maybe once a week. That will get it moving. Good luck! :0
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    i just got over that situation myself. It took me forever to go from 170 to 166, and I think it's because I over emphasized how important cutting calories was instead of emphasizing the intensity of my work outs. I started doing the Jillian Michaels shred last week, plus running a few days, and it's already working. A lot of people on these site use P90x, insanity, and jillian michaels, and get amazing results. Of course what you eat is important, but also the intensity of your workout matters. Try doing the 30 day shred :) it definitely motivated me!!
  • dieseljay74
    dieseljay74 Posts: 376
    Excellent suggestion about eating protein with your carbs. Also....stay away from carbs and fat at the same time. That can be a recipe for disaster. I have recently upped my calories by a couple hundred after plateauing for a couple weeks. I was also doing way too much cardio plus weight training. Way too big of a calorie deficit when you factor it all in. I was basically putting my body into survival mode.

    Your calorie itake does seem a little low. Maybe up it a hair and see if it helps. Also making some weight training the basis of your workout routine is key. Check out this post I made....might help!
  • xoArielleMarieox
    oh nooooo im addicted to diet pop!! I started drinking all the water in hopes it may balance out the pop haha.