Sorry I have to vent...

jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
I have been trying to keept true to my promise to myself to burn 3500 calories this week and today i went to the gym to work on that. And then the drama started...

First i had to park in the bowling alleys parking lot because the place was PACKED.
Then when i finally made it in Zumba was packed so i crammed into a corner and did what I could. wghich stunted my workout because you cant really move around or make big movements.
But staying positive I just did the elliptical after. At my gym you have to sign up for the machines when its crowded and you get a half hour. The woman before me was running late and I patiently waited for my turn. Now my turn comes and a girl comes up to me and tells me im 5 minutes over. so i tell her i got on late and i will be done shortly she huffs at me and the walks away. with that i look around and see FIVE open ellipticals!!! SOME NERVE!

so i said to her you know you dont have to wait there are others that were open. and she said No you have five minutes off and when your done you can use one of those. which i could not believe she said first off i wanted to do more than 5 mins but i wasnt if the place was packed which clearly at this time it wasnt. So i wouldn't get off my entire workout was clocked intot hat machine.
i just cant believe the audacity of that girl! the reason i liked my gym was because everyone encourage each other. now its just way too much fighting between a parking spot a spot in zumba and now a fight not to get a machine but to stay on it!

ok done venting...


  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    That is the reason that going to the gym on the weekend drives me nuts!! I know how frustrating and stressful that is!!
  • roadbiscuit2000
    I would find a new gym, sorry to hear that you are having these problems.
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    What a brat! Maybe I'm a little selfish but every time one of my co-workers complains about me cooking tilapia or broccoli I smile politely and say "I'm sorry that my being healthy bothers you, but honestly, I just don't care." :laugh:
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    Take a deep breath . relax ! there are people like that out there and you should just ignore them .they suck. if your gym is in the same sorry state everyday i'd advice looking for a new one .
  • tiaydew
    tiaydew Posts: 89 Member
    Ugh! I feel for you! I am very lucky that most of the people at my gym are very nice, although I did get a guy this one time ask me when I would be done with a machine.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I thought gyms are where Adults & Grown ups go?...Sorry you had a bad experience - some people just don't have manners at all. Maybe write a letter to the manager or someone in charge and express your concerns. :wink:
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I am the kind of person that HATES going to busy places! I like quiet places that have few people in them... be it the mall, grocery store, gym, lake what have you. I can't stand lots of people in one place so I feel for you. I started at my gym when it was just new and not a lot of people went there and I left when it was like you described. Now I walk for an hour every night, do strength training and work out on my own elliptical. I would rather do my own thing then go to a gym.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Wow that is really frustrating, I'm sorry. You must go to a very popular gym, I go to Planet Fitness and even at the most peak times I've never had to wait for a machine.

    I get really frustrated in the circuit training room because people don't follow the rules. They'll go counter clockwise instead of clockwise, or they'll come in just to use a couple machines, when those SAME exact machines are out on the floor where you can use whichever ones you want at your own pace.
  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member
    your gym seems overcrowded