90 day Challenge only 3 weeks left!! Push yourself



  • tiddlyjinx
    tiddlyjinx Posts: 181 Member

    water 6/7
    strength 0/7
    cardio 3/7

    Blue Magic so sorry for your loss!

    Well I am slowly getting back into the swing, but tire out pretty easily. Haven't done any strength training yet this week. Might try to do it tonight if I get some energy.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Water 5/7
    Cardio 3/7
    Strength 5/7

    TOM. No, I didn't feel like doing anything today.
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    What a week,, If anything else happens I am going to pull my hair out!!! Thank you all for you thoughts and prayers, both actually were blessings.. Sad but true and now she will not suffer any more pain..

    I did manage to get all my water and some cardio in no strength for two days now.. I am also giving up my smokes today was the first day without one.. So far so good, now that does not mean it is easy. Not to say I did'nt want one.. But the chantix does take a way the need it does not however take away the want, and after 33 years of smoking that want is still strong... OYI... But I will do this..

    Sorry to vent.. Just needed to get it out there.. and make it public so I am accountable. Althought I have kept my eating under control.. The chantix does make me put on a couple of pounds it has in the past anyway.. And I have not been on the scale for three days so we shall see what happens.. One battle at a time.. There is a new challenge that started today for anyone who is interested end 6/9/11 I signed up for it today.

    water 6/7
    cardio 5/7
    strength 3/7

    Keep up the good work everyone..I will share my favorite quote ....
    "If a great body came in a bottle everyone would have one" Cher

    You gotta do the work in order to get the results.. No one can do this for you but you..

    Debbie I seen you already made it there but here is the link for the new challenge here is the title if anyone is interested
    TOPIC: 12 Weeks Till Summer Challenge (Starting 3/17/11
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    I can't believe no one has posted since I posted yesterday.. :(

    water 7/7
    cardio 6/7
    strength 3/7

    Not expecting a loss this week, since I missed out on some strength and with the stress and not sleeping.. And yes taking the chantix always causes a 2-3 lb gain until I quit taking it again.. So whatever, I know I could of had a better week.. all things considered I think I did pretty well.. and I am not going to beat myself up over it. New week starts tomarrow. It will be better back to running outside this week and so looking forward to it. :) Have a great evening everyone..
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Water 5/7
    Cardio 3/7
    Strength 5/7
  • Winnie45
    Winnie45 Posts: 63 Member
    #34 Winnie

    There must be something in the air. I've also had a terrifically busy week. First my man had an eye emergency that sent us to the doctor three days including one out of state. Then he had his rotator cuff surgery for a full tear that was also out of town. I've barely been home at all. I did, however lose a little more weight. I've been eatiing as well as possible. A few unavaoidable fast food choices, but otherwise very well. With my "nursing duties," I don't expect do get back in a good routine for a few more days.


    Weight: 127
    Water: 7/7
    Cardio: 3/7
    Strength: 1/7
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I am so doing the happy dance this morning! 146.6 is my new weight for today. I weighed in on Tuesday for another challenge and I also seen a 6 on the 3rd digit. I'm very happy about this! :drinker:

    I think I'm the one posting the new challenge for today, so I'll go see what I can do about getting it up and report back in a bit. Have a great day, everyone!:bigsmile:
  • tiddlyjinx
    tiddlyjinx Posts: 181 Member
    #62 shara

    water 7/7
    cardio 3/7
    strength 0/7

    Weight 231.5 loss of 1.5. Getting back on track and going down. 6.5 pds away from my 25 pd goal for this challenge. 2 weeks left, have to step it up, but going in the right direction.

    Going to sign up for the new challenge now.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
  • thebigwindmill
    thebigwindmill Posts: 98 Member
    # 102

    Water 5/7
    Cardio 6/7
    Strength 4/7

    Weigh in - 257.2 That's .8 down from last week. I'll take it. I'm so happy to see consistent loss again.
  • rugrat200324
    rugrat200324 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm at 158! I'm feeling inches coming off!! The scale is just a number.