Body Aches

concealedpearl Posts: 206
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey All,
What do you guys do to get rid of the aches and pain associated with exercise. Whenever I do a weightlifting workout, the next day my body is sore all over..I don't feel the same with Cardio. I usually take Advil, but I would prefer a non drug method...I've done the hot bath and although this is awesome unfortunately the relief only lasts less then an hour. I'm pretty sure some of you have done some methods so if you could share them that would be extremely helpful.



  • dizidaisy
    dizidaisy Posts: 68
    Are you doing your warm stretches before and (cool down) after exercise? I find that can make a difference to me.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I've found that after a strenuous workout drinking a good low cal protein shake (20-25g protein for women, 40g protein for men) and a scoop of glutamine within 30 minutes of the end of my workout really helps with the soreness. Also, drinking water while you're lifting. You're bound to be sore, but this usually cuts back on some of it. Also, consistency helps. Change up your routine every couple weeks, but continue lifting a couple times a week. I just came off of a week off of weight training due to sickness and I'm reminded why I don't ever want to stop. You're muscles will bounce back a whole lot quicker if you're constantly pushing them! Good luck!
  • Giovanni_P
    Giovanni_P Posts: 107
    I go to the weight room maybe 2 days a week. And I dont try to lift anything heavy. It may look wimpy, doing curls with 15 lb dumbells, but it works for me.
    I also do cardio for a couple of hours a day, 6 days a week.
  • If you are building muscle then you are going to be sore after a workout. Sometimes the soreness will feel worse two days after a workout. sometimes it won't. everyone is different.

    Basically, you are sore because, as you weight train, you are tearing the muscle fibers, the soreness is from your muscles recovering.

    It is perfectly normal. I would advise not taking any pain meds for it, but try picking up some supplements, like protein.
    Syntha 6 is a good protein, but pricey

    Also here is an article about muscle soreness..

    Remember NO PAIN NO GAIN!
  • Thanks for the reply guys...I think my main problem is my knees and weight training class includes squats and lunges which kill my knees. I'm having x-rays and ultrasounds done soon on my feet to figure out the source of the pain.
    I do the appropriate stretches before and after the workout. I will start drinking more protein shakes after these workouts to see if it'll help. I've also stopped doing two days in a row of weight training.
    Thanks again for all the suggestions
  • There is a difference between joint pain and muscle pain. If you are doing lots of squats with heavy weights you may need to get some support for your knees with braces or by wrapping them.
    going to the doctor is best bet!

    You can also get supplements for your joints by Labrada Nutrition® called ElastiJoint. Never used it myself but is supposed to help.
  • Thanks, I'll check it out. I get my muscle pain too but I recover quickly from muscle pain then joint pain.
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