0 running to 5K Warrior Dash in 4 months? Can I do it?

Any advice from anyone on a training plan for going from 0 running to being able to run a 5K trail run? I've set this goal for me, and the weather is getting better here.

We have a few parks nearby with some of the similar terrain to what the Warrior Dash will have, but I just need some advice on what I could do, without killing myself in the process.

Tips? Ideas?


  • lilcrittert
    lilcrittert Posts: 105
    Google couch to 5k
  • Enchantica
    Enchantica Posts: 117
    check out the c25k thread in the community area too
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I did the warrior dash last year...the nice thing is it isn't a straight 5 K because of all the obstacles

    You will have a GREAT time.
  • wanitalilly
    wanitalilly Posts: 108
    You can do it!! Look up couch to 5k or Hal Higdon. Try to modify the training plans for your deadline/schedule. Anyting is possible if your heart is in it! Good luck!!
  • jadelta
    jadelta Posts: 1
    I also suggest Couch to 5k. If you have an iPhone, there's an app for it that lets you listen to your own music in sync with the timing of running/walking/jogging, as well as keep track of the training workouts you have. My husband (who is overweight, and whose favorite exercise was sitting in front of his computer) did the program and ran his first 5k last year! I was so proud of him. Start slow and pace yourself. Get that water!! Good Luck!!! =)
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    I am doing the couch to 5k to prepare for my dash in June! Good luck!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I recently finished Couch to 5K and my Dash is in three months.
  • Duliebob
    Duliebob Posts: 12
    Sweet, looks like the C25K program is winning. Ironic thing is that my little brother told me he is planning on trying a 5K too by June, so I have a training buddy maybe :-)