Quinoa question....

I have been reading about quinoa. I LOVE white rice and have been thinking about quinoa as an alternative since it is so high in protein. Is quinoa considered a "whole grain"? I see that it has about the same calories as white rice (actually slightly more), but it does offer protein. I have tried to find the glycemic index of quinoa. I wonder if it would cause the blood sugar spike that white rice does. In short, I am trying to decide if I should substitute quinoa for white rice. (I know brown rice is a good sub, but I can't make it in my rice cooker and I am LAZY like that). Also, it is pronounced KEEN-WA? Thanks, guys. Thoughts?


  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    Yes, it is a whole grain and pronounced "Keen-Wa". If theres a whole foods near you, they have premade packages of quinoa, bulgar(another whole grain) and different flavorings. The brand is Garlic Clove Foods and my favorite flavor is Garden Pilaf. You just throw it all in a pot with some water (or broth) and cook for 20 min. Super easy and a great side dish! High is calories, but so good for yo!
  • kendallan
    kendallan Posts: 79 Member
    why cant you put brown rice in your rice cooker? i would stay away from white rice. also wild rice is a good rice. quinoa is one of my favorites and its actually a seed not a rice, so i heard and read. my fave recipe with quinoa is to cook it in my rice cooker and i add pine puts. also to give your rice some flavor you can cook it in veg brooth. i sometimes do that if i am in the mood to change it up. sometimes with brown rice i add some currants. try those and let me know how they work for me. but i would really try to stay away from whtie rice . let me know your results with this...inbox me
  • as1789
    as1789 Posts: 46
    Yes I do recall quinoa is a whole grain. I don't know about the blood sugar part :/ . I love substituting it for rice, just for the protein part (and it is better tasting than rice in my opinion). It is just as easy as rice to make. Yes, that's the correct pronunciation. I get it at my local grocery store in the "natural (organic) food" section.
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member

    The GI of quinoa is 53. White rice ranges from 56-89 (http://www.glycemicindex.com) so it will give you less of a spike in your blood sugars.
    It's not actually a grain at all - it's a pseudocereal.
    I think it would make a good substitue, but incidentally brown rice is easy to cook in a rice cooker, you just need more water. 2 cups water to 1 cup brown rice.

    Hope that's helpful
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Just recently had Quinoa for the first time and loved it...not sure about everything you asked, but it is yummy and filling too. I've used it in soups and as a side dish and even a main dish with my favorite recipe so far. It was Quinoa with dark sweet cherries, pecans, onions, honey and parsley...maybe a few more ingredients. I can send you the recipe if you'd like. I served the salad over a bed of spinach with a drizzle of balsamic vinagrette. I sent it to work with my husband not telling him anything about it. When he got home he said, "what was that stuff you gave me for lunch? It was so good!" You can add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I tried some quinoa, to not so raves reviews.

    My wife is asian so in our house its white rice or nothing.
  • carissaxoxo
    carissaxoxo Posts: 25 Member
    I make brown rice in my rice cooker
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I always thought that brown rice had to cook so much longer than white rice. I just assumed that the little timer on the rice cooker would go "ding" before the rice was thoroughly cooked. Hmmm. I will have to look into this because I do like brown rice. I am from SC originally, and we Carolinians LOVE our white rice! Breakfast, lunch or dinner! :laugh: