Losing Motivation and I'm just tired



  • Hammock
    Hammock Posts: 37
    Hi there! I really agree with those who have written to caution you about too much exercise and too high weight loss expectations. If you are doing 4000-5000 calories of exercise a week, no matter who you are and how fit you are, my instinct tells me that this is way too much for you. I think you should definitely go to your doctor and ask for a referal to a certified, recognized nutrition person, perahps at the local hospital, who can help you find your way to a balanced exercise/weight loss programme that you can follow with ease. This regime you described sounds really out-of-whack, and you might be inviting both a harmful body reaction as well as depression. Please do that for yourself, dear one! You are worth it!
  • mollierosebarron
    When you workout everyday, your muscles do not have a chance to repair themselves. You lose weight after you work out, not during your workout, that's why it's important to not do it every single day.

    Strenuous exercise, even moderate exercise can cause your muscles to retain water so drink lots and lots of water to help that issue. If you are eating food or drinking drinks (even diet drinks) with high sodium you will not see the scale change because sodium makes your body retain water as well. It doesn't mean you aren't losing fat, you might be just keeping water weight.

    You probably are gaining muscle which weighs more than fat, so don't get discouraged if the scale isn't moving as fast as you want it to. 5 lbs of muscle is a lot smaller than 5 lbs of fat.

    Good luck! Losing weight is so hard but we all can do it :)
  • sammylouhulley
    Try having one cheat day every so many days ( i find once every week is good) so ur body doesnt get used to this massive strain u put it through every body need one day where u can have that piece of cake. Just dont go over board it helped me and ive done well,before i started MFP i have lost about 45lbs just doing that routine
  • DebTavares
    DebTavares Posts: 170 Member
    1 pound per week is excellent...that's what i'm aiming for