I have lost 30 lbs and I don't feel it at all!



  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I've lost 15kg (32lb) so far and I really can't notice it so much when I look at pictures. I think it would depend on how much you have remaining to lose also . I have another 19 kgs to lose
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    Ugh! story of my life!

    Hi all! I'm new here but have been working on my weight since Jan 9th. So far Ive lost 31lbs. You would think id be over the moon, but it just reminds me that i still have such a long way to go (60lbs more). I don't see it at all i look in the mirror and at pictures and don't see the difference one bit.
    My roommate goes on and on about how good i look, but all i think bout is how much better i would look when its all finally GONE. Am i being ridiculous????
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    It can be really hard. Even though I didn't start off with much to lose, I have only noticed muscle definition and don't think I look too different in clothes. However, I have lost 2 dress sizes and others are always telling me how much tinier I am, even when wearing the same scrubs.

    Just in case it might help, I found that weight training makes a huge difference in body fat loss and you can lose inches and sizes without losing anything on the scale - this is what truly makes you look/feel slimmer. Check it out if you haven't already, such as Jillian's 30 day shred. HTH
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    Here's what I found to be true for myself: I have a picture in my head of myself as a fattie. It doesn't matter what the scale says, what the measure tape says or what the mirror shows I see a fattie when I look in the mirror. When I was a size 22 I saw a fattie when I was a size 4 I saw a fattie and every size in between the same.

    It's not your body that isn't changing it's your mind. It's a kind of dysmorphia. I have heavy friends who tell me they never see themselves as heavy and consequently have trouble getting interested in losing weight. Other people who look perfectly right-sized to me are always on a diet or weight-loss plan of some sort,

    So, it's not your mirror and it's not your body it's your mind. Just know that if you lost 30 pounds you're well on your way. Keep up the good work!
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    sorry if this has been mentioned already but the shorter you are, the faster you will have noticable differences. A 10 lb loss will show more on a 5' person than someone who is 5'10", know what i mean?

    that said, i still have days where i don't feel different although i know in my head that i am
  • cornerofgreystreet
    cornerofgreystreet Posts: 180 Member
    Thank you! Thats my baby boy, Soren. You should be so proud of yourself for what you've accomplished so far! The working out makes a huge difference. I didn't really start to notice results until I was working out consistantly. The last week or so my clothes have been fitting so much better and I just feel so much better about myself knowing I am putting in the effort. Keep up the good work!!
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    Here's the truth on this whole thing. Your body plays a very cruel joke on you when you go through a large weight loss phase and 30 lbs is HUGE!!!. I'm a P90X guy, 47 years old and have been through a pretty radical weight loss phase that was strange in that I didn't have any tangible VISUAL results even after a 20 lb loss. The problem with looking at yourself in the mirror every day is that you don't see the before and after AND your body loses weight from your head/toes into your middle. Essentially, you look worse in the mirror after losing a certain percentage of body fat because your face, shoulders, chest, legs, calves and thighs get thin but your hips and abdomen are the last battle ground for fat. You now are thinner in the upper/lower range of the hourglass and look larger in the middle. Stick with it!!. Even if it takes another year on the program, you'll wake up one day and see the body you envisioned. I always tell friends who start radical diet/fitness programs to avoid seeing themselves in the mirror for 3 months.

    I'm not a huge fan of the scale. A measuring tape is a much stronger advocate of your progress. Take measurements, stay on track and don't re-measure or re-visage (my term) yourself other than in 30 day increments. Depending on your work out, you may be having a muscle for fat exchange that doesn't represent a positive in MFP report sdso don't beat yourself up on the daily self-examination.

    Hang in there. 30 LBS is a massive achievement and I don't care if you started at 500lbs or 120 lbs. Don't monitor scales, monitor measurement change and, if you can do that, you can hit your goal. Uncle Ted is behind you!!

    Great White Buffalo Props

    Thank you this is great advice and helps alot!!! I really appreciate it!
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    THANK YOU everyone!!!!! I really truely appreciate all of your advice and tips! Sorry if I didnt' respond to all of you it became a bit daunting lol I will try not to weigh myself on the scale so much, try more weight training, before and after pics, measuring myself and trying to change my mind set about myself!!! Thank you that is ALOT to help me get motivated and on my way!!! THANK YOU AGAIN!
  • MemphisMarly
    I agree that there may be some dysmorphic elements.

    However, I think it's also possible that you're losing weight pretty evenly. You might notice it more if all the pounds were all coming off one area, like your waist, but it may be a bit from there, a bit from your arms, a bit from your feet.. little bit by little bit, so that your size is shrinking faster than your body shape changes.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    As a side note, it may be that you've been losing visceral fat (ie fat that accumulates around your vital organs) most. You can't see that from the outside so much, but trust me, it's a very good thing for your health!
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm near my goal weight and I still can't see my loss when I look in the mirror (apart from round my waist) but I KNOW I look completely different! Don't forget, you're looking at yourself every day so you won't see the change for yourself until you see some before and after pictures.... Other people will notice a difference because they don't look at you as closely as you look at yourself!
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks everyone! Just when i think I have gotten all the help I can get someone posts that I might be losing fat around my organs! Amazing! I would have never thought about that! I really appreciate all of the advice, tips and support!