Not meeting my calorie goal! HELP!!!

inoclu Posts: 5
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, so I've set myself up on a 1200 calorie daily intake. The last couple of days I haven't been able to make it. It's not that I'm overeating, but just not taking in the total. I'm nervous that my body isn't getting enough calories and will go into starvation mode, but on the other hand, I don't want to eat when I'm not hungry. So what do I do???? :ohwell:


  • jen051279
    jen051279 Posts: 44
    Spread out your eating so you eat a small snack about 2 hours after each meal. Just 100-200 calories then shoot for about 300-400 in your meals
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Try to add in handfuls of mixed nuts, or spreading peanut butter onto food items. They are high in calories and a healthy form of energy. Good luck, I know how you feel!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Grab a handful of almonds... they are about 190 cals and full of protein! Great snack and will help you get to the cals you need.. not good to be way under for many days in a row, your metabolism slows down!!!

    Good luck!
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    I have trouble meeting my calorie goals too. I have days maybe about twice a week when I go over, but most of the time I hit 1000 or less, and I have trouble figuring out what to eat. I've started trying to get into low calorie foods as snacks throughout the day to help meet my calorie goal, like... this might sound gross, but i'll snack on spinach leaves, raw broccoli, raw colliflour (sorry don't know if I spelt that right), raw carrots, celery with a little peanut butter, also I like the Carnation Breakfast Essentials. They're like 130 calories I think, and they're a nice filler between meals. I don't like the chocolate though, I think it's gross. The other flavors are really good though. Try to look for healthy snacks like that, figure out what you like and what snacks work for you. I know my friend loves rice cakes. I can't stomach them though personally. This will help you get the calories into your system without going over, which is why I choose low calorie snacks, like in black jack, if you get a high number you're afraid to hit. That might have been an odd analogy, lol. Anyway, I hope this was of some help!
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Protein shakes are a great calorie booster - add a cup of milk and some ice - like having an ice cream shake - sort of, have to use a blender of course for that effect. If you are really low on calories, do 2 scoops of the powder. I use 1% milk, so this plus 2 scoops of powder gives me about 350 calories, and not too high in carbs or sodium either. Seems expensive, but we've had 1 canister for 2 of us for the past 2 1/2 months and it's about half full still - of course, I don't have these every night, but I'd say between my husband and I, we use 7-10 scoops a week.
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    I have the same problem. My favorite healthy snack is carbmaster (Kroger brand) vanilla yogurt with fresh fruit (I use blueberries and/or straweberries with Bear Naked Fit granola. The total is a little over 200 calories but the yogurt and granola are also low in sugar.
    I also eat zone bars with have alot of vitamins and protein.

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