Hello Everyone

Hi, my name is Tina and I just found this site today. I'm 52 years old and have been trying to lose 10 to 15 pounds for the last two years with no success. I play a lot of tennis (4 times a week) and do pilates once a week and feel like I eat decently but I guess maybe I really don't because the pounds just won't come off. Some people I talk to say I must be building muscle and I would agree with them if not for the 'roll' around my waist and the 'bra fat' I can see in the mirror. LOL I would be satisfied with my weight if I felt slim and trim but I definitely have a stomach. I'm hoping that logging my food will help me to determine if perhaps I am eating more calories then I actually realize. If anyone wants to provide me with any success tips, please feel free as I am really starting to get discouraged with myself. In fact after dinner tonight I splurged on about 600 calories worth of licorice because I felt fat. Here's hoping that myfitnesspal with truly become my pal.


  • shaewoodsmall11
    hey everyone! im new to this site..my names shae & im 19! i have an 8 month old son and just trying to get back to my pre-baby bod. if anyone has suggestions feel free to let me know some tips. also please add me! thanks (:
  • ashleyuitvlugt
    When I first started logging my food I was absolutely astonished at how quickly everything adds up! I've been logging my calories for about 7 months and (muscle gain included) have lost over 30 pounds. What's more amazing is that I am an obsessed baker. I absolutely adore yummy treats and am always in the kitchen, which makes keeping to my caloric limits very tricky. One inspiring comment I read once was "Taste everything, eat nothing." I tell that to myself all the time when I second cupcakes seems a lot more appealing than the carrot sticks I planned on eating that morning when I had full intentions of eating super health all day long. Don't beat yourself up for enjoying the foods you love, just be aware of what you're eating, learn to push yourself a little physically, and watch your body transform! The best of luck, hun! You can do it!
  • LaDonnaJo
    LaDonnaJo Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, I started using MPF about two weeks ago.I am 26 years old with a 6 month old baby. I was always in good shape in high school and was never really over weight until I moved from Fl to NY with my bf (now husband) and endured a harsh winter and home sickness. I comforted with food and gained 40lbs. I came home and put on 10 more (reaching my highest weight of 184lbs) from the depression of being over weight. I have bounced on and off of the Atkins diet with my family for years but never seemed to keep off the 10-15lbs I would lose, plus I LOVE carbs, lol. Until I started using this site I never really understood how many calories I consumed in one day! I was literally thousands over by the end of the day over the course of a week I was able to modify my diet to only eat between 1,000-1,200 a day. It was a little personal daily goal. I have had an elliptical machine in my garage for 2 years and only got on it a hand full of times. This last week I get so excited by adding allowable calories to my daily total after working out I love to get on there and push myself! I am excited to have a support group of people and something in my face to hold me accountable for what and when I eat! Good luck to all!!!