I just joined yesterday. I'm 31 with 2 sons. I was thin all my school life and started putting on weight when I was about 19.I'm a fussy eater, always have been, which makes dieting very difficult. I've been in a relationhip for 14 years. When I met him I was about 65lbs lighter than I am now, don't get me wrong, he has always supported me and been proud of me no matter what my weight is. However, the time has come where I hate looking in the mirror, or going clothes shopping. So I am doing something about it now, before I start to embarrass mr foofyknickers as well as myself. That all sounds a bit negative and upsetting, but the fact is I don't want to be the mummy who is too out of breath to play with her children. And I want my abs back! So here's to a new me! And good luck to all of you. x


  • AmyB2011
    AmyB2011 Posts: 48
    I joined yesterday too, and already I have been overwhelmed by the encouragement that this site provides. I'm a fussy eater just like you, but don't worry, i'm sure with the help of MyFitnessPal, you'll be losing weight in no time at all! Good luck, you can do this :smile: x
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Good luck in your journey! Welcome to my fitness pal! This is the best thing that has ever happened to me and while I know how hard it is to do this, everyone on this site is so supporitive and everyone here is here to do the same thing, to succeed and to lose weight. I wish you all the luck in the world. Feel free to add me to your friends list if you want too. :happy:
    Good luck :flowerforyou: You can do this xxx
  • Foofyknickers
    Foofyknickers Posts: 37 Member
    Jeez, I wasn't expecting replies so quickly! How lovely. Black Starlight, I'll add you as soon as I figure out how! I'm not that great with computers and still getting to grips with this site a bit. How do you add people? And thank you, best of luck to you too. :smile:
    TTbabe, it is hard when you're a fussy eater, but I'm doing my best and hoping to try and overcome it a little. Good luck and best wishes to you also. :smile: x