Any runners?



  • emilyrosedye
    I used to jog a fair bit last summer and was getting to the stage where I could run for an hour without stopping. I stopped going over the winter though as I was finding it diffucult to get motivated and go out in the cold and dark. I started back up on the weekend though and just did a short half hour run to get me back in to it and was shocked at how difficult I found it! Seriously I had to stop about 4 times to rest my legs and catch my breath! I'm going to carry on going regularly again though and get back in to doing hour runs with ease! :-D
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    Hi, I'm a runner too. Have done 5 full marathons and a bunch of other races. Now the half-marathon is my favorite distance. I'll send you a friend request. Oh, also as of next week, I'll be a certified RRCA running coach. Yay!