Just Joined!

Hi everybody! I just got a new phone yesterday and started loading it up with apps. Found MyFitnessPal and immediately started logging yesterday's meals and exercise. How easy! I love the UPC scanner.

I've been working on losing weight since last fall, and I have lost 20 lbs so far, but I can't seem to keep myself in a consistent routine. I am hoping that seeing the info on my phone everyday will help me stay on track. And if I can see all of you working along with me, maybe that will keep me from sliding off the rails :)



  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    The folks on the site are what help keep me motivated and accountable. It's hard to do it alone but when you have support it makes it much easier. the work won't be easy because you have to make the effort but that extra push you get from the folks here are what keep you going!!