Looking for encouragements!

jkimdy Posts: 3
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Well I haven't been on here for over 6 months. I'm trying to get back in shape and wouldn't mind having some new friends for encouragements. It's hard working and going to school and trying to stay fit but I wanna get in shape by the time I hit the big 3-0!


  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Hey! I am turning 30 in a few weeks. Feel free to add me as a friend so we can help each other out.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    It starts with YOU...Get in the frame mind & the rest will come into place... :happy: Be activated daily & workin' out will become a habit :happy:
  • you can do it!!!! i have an elyptical and has found that it burns so many calories and fast which is great bc i dont have a lot of time the higher the resistance the more you burn :o) i burned 640 cal in 30 min on just the number 5 resistance good luck girl you can do it and remember portion control portion control! lol
  • feel free to send me a friend request!
  • bdeliab
    bdeliab Posts: 25
    I am 30, and this year has been a major turning point in my life. I am ready to get in shape and help my family as well.
  • jer2kat
    jer2kat Posts: 71 Member
    I sent you a request. I'm not quite the big 3-0 yet but will be in a year and I also hope to be in better shape and much healthier by then.
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    You can do it girl!!! Don't let anything hold you back..Go into it with your eyes and heart open and ready to take on the world. That is how I take on any new venture..I put my all into it. All you have to do is picture the you you wanna be and make it happen. I have a long way to go..I can get there..It will take a while but I will get there no matter what!!!! Feel free to friend me.
  • sturgill
    sturgill Posts: 118
    you can do it girl- it is easier to take the weight off at 30 - believe me- I am 57 and it comes off slower and it is harder to do some of the exercising you can do younger - so good luck
  • nakami
    nakami Posts: 34 Member
    I am 30 and ready to change as well. My goal is to loose at least 20lbs by my 31st B-Day in May. Feel free to add me :)
  • nanc94
    nanc94 Posts: 141 Member
    im looking for a happier birthday this year also...ive been trying for a while....now im finally in the mind set and ready to do it...
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    I just turned 28 in January and I have to admit I have one eye on the big 3-0.

    I don't want to look back and have any (more) regrets.

    One of the hard things when you're juggling so many things is keep a track of what your eating and making sure what your eating is healthy. MFP really helps me with this, it forces me to plan ahead instead of just grabbing a sandwich (and the crisps, chocolate and coke) from a shop.
  • Good Luck! Looking forward to both of us encouraging each other!
  • kateland47
    kateland47 Posts: 31 Member
    You can do this! We all can. We just have to start. First step is the most important and then you just take it a day at a time. Only day 2 using MFP and logging my food is already helping me make better choices.
  • Yes friend me too! I'm 35 but I feel like it was just yesterday that I turned thirty. Friends on this site really help A LOT! Happy posting!
  • havi7
    havi7 Posts: 80 Member

    This is a great site to help be accountable and to gain support when you need it. Feel free to add me if you're looking for support.

    Good luck!
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