Inspiration - Exercise

Hi, just looking for some ideas for some new exercises.

I don't want to build too much muscle as I still have plenty of fat to loose.

I use my bike to commute to work which is a good 45 mins round trip almost everyday (weather permitting) and also go for longer cycles at weekends/evening. I'm worried about building too much muscle in my legs. My flat mate goes to the gym to do a lot of weight training and there are some weights in the house which I do 2-3 times a week, along with some sit ups.

I do enjoy swimming but feel too self concious to use the local pool at the moment. Gyms just bore the heck out of me so I need some outdoor activites.

Any suggestions ?


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Don't worry about building too much muscle because that is REALLY REALLY hard to do!

    How about walking lunges, or Squats?
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    First off, it's next to impossible to build muscle when you are in a calorie deficit, so don't woryy that you're going to be adding lots of muscle--you won't be!

    Have you thought about starting a Couch To 5K program? These are programs that intersperse short bursts of jogging with walking in order to ease you into becoming a runner. You can download any one of several free phone apps to give you the cues of when to walk and when to run, or download podcasts to an mp3 player with the same cues. (Look for C25K, as that's how it's usually abbreviated.)

    And lots of folks here are using this program, so there is a great deal of support!
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I agree with the C25K program app! I can actualy run a futher distance now then when I started, it's actually not so bad jogging, I actually enjoy it when I do get out there and do it, a change from my elliptical trainer. It really is a great program!