So I got in trouble today in spin...opinions?



  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    I can see why she perceives your actions as rude but she isn't meeting your needs in her class. you can either create a work out on your own or you can communicate with her what you are doing and why.
    My friend goes to the spin class and listens to lectures for our nursing program. at first her teacher freaked out, then she said I do it my way or not at all, which is better for me and you? since most are paid and keep jobs based on attendance it has never been an issue since then.
  • rblauvelt7
    rblauvelt7 Posts: 97 Member
    I think as long as you weren't disrupting others, then she needs to get over it. Yes, you're in her class, but you're paying for it. If you weren't already, I would suggest moving to the back or a corner so you don't confuse others.

    The first and only time I went to spin class, there was this loud, obnoxious guy pointing out if anybody wasn't able to keep up with the workout. I don't know if he thought he was making himself look better or if he thought calling people out was "motivational", but I haven't been back since and I actually liked the teacher/music.
  • epeebes
    epeebes Posts: 89 Member
    I've been doing spin for about 2 months with the same instructor. She uses music that is played on the radio but she gets a DJ to mix it with different tempos. I hate commercial music but the mixes she plays gets me pumping. It also helps that she's high energetic. Music does make the class!

    However, not everyone agreed as I saw one person wearing their ipod one time. And that same class she went ballistic when she saw someone on their cell phone. I totally got her point though. I don't come to spin class to chit chat with my friends. Put the phone down for 45 minutes and focus on yourself. Never "phone" in your workouts. Pun intended.:flowerforyou:
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I go to a gym where there are many classes to choose from, but on sundays, the choice is limited. It's not a spin studio that I pay extra for, but I guess I get both sides of the coin....she must just be the sensative type. Even though I was in the back, not disturbing anyone and sweating more than most, well, I can't be responsible for her reactions to other people in the world.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    sorry. while the teacher, class and music may be boring, i don't think it is 'ok' to do your own thing in the class. (speaking as a former adult instructor), i even asked others in my household what their opinion was... and they agreed, don't do your own thing in a class, save that for when you are spinning on your own.

    edited to add: if enough people decide to not take her class and switch to other instructors, management will get the message that perhaps that instructor needs make some changes.

    I totally agree with this.

    I feel bad enough when I happen to be in a spin class where I chose not to do parts of the choreography... for example I don't do press ups on handlebars because they're quite frankly a waste of time, and I don't do stuff that's basically not going to aid my road cycling.

    However it would never occurr to me to wear and iPod and totally do my own think. I think that's kind of beyond rude for me.

    If I think a class is rubbish then I use the appropriate feedback mechanisms that any gym has (feedback boxes etc) or have a word with the manager.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    She is paid a lot to be there, you PAY a lot to be there. Your workout, your choice.

    Absolutely but not in a class.

    Imagine everyone would do this... in Zumba... in Body Pump... in a step class... it totally negates the point of classes if everyone did their own thing. The argument "well I pay" doesn't really apply I don't think.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    The classes are geared at all fitness levels, at the gyms I attend at least. Sometimes the instructor is doing things beyond what participants CAN do, expecting 100% adherence to all the moves, well that's when people stop "going" to the gym for being belittled for not doing something that others think should be easy.

    You do what you can in any class and what you can't, oh well.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    But who would do their own thing in Zumba, step, or whatever body pump is.....Spin is's not like I'm bothering anyone by not doing the same thing, and actually I do follow the class, just to my own music. So the ONLY difference between me and my neighbor is that I've got my headphones on.....
  • rdaraz
    rdaraz Posts: 103
    wow, thats so lame, seriously??! you're paying her, she should respect you and take your points into consideration
  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    The teacher is there to help the students succeed at their goals. It isn't a class to learn how to conform. It is a class to obtain and maintain fitness.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I feel she was touchy. You are the client, no you-no class.

    Honestly I would have gone to the management and complained. Spin classes are full of ppl at different degrees and levels of experience and fitness. If I was in there I would be going 1./2 of when she said to do, at 1/2 the speed. So she should not be so touchy when someone does there own thing a bit.
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    I think you're all adults - the 'no ipods' rule seems a little silly, in my opinion. It'd be different if you were interfering with her class or something. Too bad she'll get paid regardless of whether or not you take her class... if your gym is like mine, you have no control over where your monthly dues go.

    I'm not a fan of spin classes b/c I can't keep up with the rest of the class. I like riding stationary bikes on my own, adjusting my own speed, setting my own goals, increasing/decreasing resistance whenever I want, etc. I just feel like a failure in a class full of "better athletes."

    With that being said, I recently did a 1-hour spin class for charity with a group of friends. Halfway through the hour, the instructor got off his bike, came over to me, and asked why I wasn't following his directions - especially standing up when everyone else did. I politely said, "I'm pregnant. Thanks for asking." After starting the class by saying "do what you can, listen to your body, challenge yourself - whatever that means to you" blah blah blah... HOW DARE HE ask why I wasn't doing exactly what he said?

    Ugh. I hate bad experiences like that. Leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Sorry, but I think that is rude. Do you take other classes and do what you want instead of what the instructor does? Don't take the class if you don't like the music or instructor.

    I was waiting for this to appear.

    If you don't like the class then do something else. How incredibly rude of you to ignore her in HER own class.

    I have done taken spinning classes i i know people are at different rates, but there is a difference between struggling to keep up and just being plain ignorant.
  • tjcnc
    tjcnc Posts: 21 Member
    It would depend are you in the front of the class when you put on the ipod or towards the back so the whole class does not see you go on your own? Granted you are following the instructor but are you doing the same tempo and cadence the teacher is trying to match? I know I get distracted at times when I see someone in front of me or in my line of sight to the instructor doing their own workout.
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    Um, but it is HER job to keep her students motivated. Seems to me she should of talked with you after the class in private. Then you could of explained the music doesn't motivate you. If she says so be it, then fine don't take the class with her again. But then again, maybe she would of taken your thoughts to heart.

    I dunno. I understand it's her class, but again, I think she is slacking in her duties as an instructor to motivate her students to be the best they can be.

    my 2 cents. :flowerforyou:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Sorry, but I think that is rude. Do you take other classes and do what you want instead of what the instructor does? Don't take the class if you don't like the music or instructor.

    I was waiting for this to appear.

    If you don't like the class then do something else. How incredibly rude of you to ignore her in HER own class.

    I have done taken spinning classes i i know people are at different rates, but there is a difference between struggling to keep up and just being plain ignorant.

    I absolutely agree.

    If you want to listen to your own music, do your own choreography, set your own speed / HR etc then WHY do a class??

    Use a gym bike and do your own thing and someone else can have the place in the class who actually wants to follow the class.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    Sorry, but I think that is rude. Do you take other classes and do what you want instead of what the instructor does? Don't take the class if you don't like the music or instructor.

    I was waiting for this to appear.

    If you don't like the class then do something else. How incredibly rude of you to ignore her in HER own class.

    I have done taken spinning classes i i know people are at different rates, but there is a difference between struggling to keep up and just being plain ignorant.

    I absolutely agree.

    If you want to listen to your own music, do your own choreography, set your own speed / HR etc then WHY do a class??

    Use a gym bike and do your own thing and someone else can have the place in the class who actually wants to follow the class.

    I think I will try those stationary bikes sometime when I don't care for the instructor. They just don't feel the same as spin bikes though :( Otherwise, just to be a stinker, I think I'll take her class next week, leave off the headphones, and do the opposite of what she's doing hahahaha.....
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    giggles. Always the rebel Mich:tongue:
  • Ninerz113
    Ninerz113 Posts: 32 Member
    I know you said there weren't other options for spin classes that day but you should have just skipped it. I think it's bold of the instructor to call you out but I also think it was rude of you to do your own thing. If I saw you in the class, I would be annoyed. It would appear to me that you were arrogant and think you know more than the instructor (this would just be my impression).

    I would definitely complain to the gym about her if you don't think she is a good instructor.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    Haha arewethereyet :) Maybe part rebel, part wanting to get in a great workout!?!?!