Easily irritated with weight loss

IMDABOMBthe0wife0DABEAST Posts: 124 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone experienced being more and more irritated about things during their weight loss journey? Lately I feel like every little thing irritates me and makes me cranky. I have lost over 90 lbs since Jan. 10 and now each day is a struggle. Eating foods that I once enjoyed are not enjoyable now that you see the Cals. and other tracking elements. We eat fairly healthy every day and save for those special meals, but again those are not much fun anymore.

Just curious if others have felt the same thing.


  • amilynnM
    amilynnM Posts: 64 Member
    I find that I always get irritable when I'm hungry (I had a roommate who knew me very well, and when I came home from school all cranky she'd tell me to go eat dinner). Since I'm trying to lose about 14 lbs. my daily calorie intake is quite low and I'm hungry more often and don't snack when I normally wouldn't think twice about grabbing something loaded with carbs from the kitchen. It has definitely affected my mood. I think it's pretty normal, but it sucks doesn't it? It is alright to indulge occasionally though and you shouldn't feel guilty about one day when you throw your diet out the window so long as you get back on track.
  • I am not on a huge weight loss journey but I was just unhealthy. Now when I do have a cheat meal I fret about the calories and logging it and the exercise I will have to do to make up for it it just is not worth it. I hate food, I don't want to have to eat or worry about any of it it makes me pissy. And if I don't have any loss for a week look out I am wicked. You know what are my best days when I am busy and out of the house and I don't think about exercise or losing weight or strength training.
  • I get irritated too...I think it's normal because you feel like you're depriving yourself from comfort foods.
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member

    especially when I'm with friends and they can get away with eating everything in sight and still stay slim whilst I'm sat there with a salad struggling not to put a small amount of mayonnaise on cause I know it will just ruin all the hard work I've previously done.. =/
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Try to check if you are eating enough of everything. If youre super restricting yourself, your body might be telling you it lacks fuel to live on a daily basis.
  • wanda1956
    wanda1956 Posts: 110
    I feel like I could rip somebodies head off some times:explode: ...well not really but I do get a little grouchy.:frown:
  • tyrie
    tyrie Posts: 14
    I get tired too! But I find its because of my regimen... having to watch what I eat all the time and at some point I dont feel normal its almost like I'm missing out on experiencing new thing because im so focus on my repercussions.And also i get tired of eating the same ol' things and it gets boring to me...
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    I think it is all in a mindset. We think of all the things we should be doing, what we are doing, what we miss the most... etc. I never deprive myself of anything I want to have. If I can find a way to make it healthier (and if you have internet you should be able to find anything) then Ill do it. If I dont feel like going to all the trouble, Ill have the regular store bought version.

    We are only limited by what our minds perceive as a limit. I have lost almost 20 lbs in 4 weeks eating full fat and basically anything I used to eat that I want to have. The difference is now I put it in the food tracker and watch like a hawk my serving sizes. Im very happy. Then again, I am not very close to goal yet and my pounds are not coming off as well. I am still in the easy weight loss phase.

    Thats why I think it is important to have goals beyond dress size and scale numbers. I know for me, I am looking at 5Ks to do. Being able to get active with my kids. I made a promise to my son that I would be able to run around a certain park here in my town with him and BEAT him. A special trip away from home is at stake.

    Ill never stop thinking of ways to improve myself and ways to find joy in this journey. I try new foods and research new ways to do things all of the time.

    90 lbs is a GREAT job. I know it seems like a pain, but do you really want to stop and go back there? I bet you feel a lot better than you did 90 lbs ago. In fact I know it cuz I feel much better shaving off what I have! And Im no where close to being done. Good luck to you on your lifes journey and Ill pray that you find joy in the process again.
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    First of all, congratulations on your amazing weight loss! You should be so proud of all your commitment and hard work as it has clearly paid off! Great job!

    Second, try to give yourself a break where you don't actually count calories. I'll bet you'd surprise yourself and stay true to your calories and portion size, even though you're not looking. I was away overnight this past week, woke up and ate what was there in the house where I was staying (crazy fat and calorie-laden pastry from Panera) and then had a McDonald's 1/4pounder for lunch because my sister (whom I was taking to the airport) and my kids wanted to eat there. I just didn't even track my food for 1/2 of Wednesday and Thursday, and I didn't worry about it. I got on the scale on Friday and was actually down .6 pounds. I was elated, but shocked, to say the least.

    We're going to have gains and losses and it's all a part of the process. The idea is to stick with it. Remember, this is a lifestyle change, not just a diet. You need to, somehow, make this an enjoyable process because it's going to be a forever change. Maybe once a month, schedule a weekend where you just don't track your calories, eat what you want, and don't feel guilty about it. You are clearly able to lose weight, but I think we need a break from the discipline and diligence once in a while.

    The trick is to get back to it once you've indulged!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm a stress eater, and my #1 coping strategy is chocolate (#2 is any form of refined flour/sugar product). What I'm noticing right now is that my emotional resilience is a lot lower b/c I can't just eat the stress away. That's always been the thing that killed weight loss for me in the past. When my life is uncomplicated and I'm happy, I lose weight fairly easily. When life comes crashing down, I gain weight uncontrollably.

    This time I'm specifically addressing that by trying to change my primary coping mechanism from chocolate to exercise. Not sure that's even really possible, but since emotional support mechanisms are learned, I'm hoping I can learn a new one.
  • hrhwrightca
    hrhwrightca Posts: 45 Member
    90!!! pounds since this January??
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    90!!! pounds since this January??

    Since January of 2010
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Congratulations for sticking with the plan and doing SO well! Consider all of that a blessing! I started when you did and started backsliding last June. Here I am over a year later trying to claw my way back to where I was. Maybe you have gotten to a place where you are in control! I think that's awesome! My perspective may be off because I'm still struggling for what you have achieved. But, I think my goal is to be where you are! Both in terms of weight loss success and in shaking the addiction! I hope this doesn't offend you but GOOD JOB!
  • No offense taken. It has been a long journey and I am thankful my husband and I are on it together. We took 3 months off after we got married in October and only gained a few lbs. I have a goal in sight and it is hard to stay focused when the scale does not always move. I am close to my 1st goal and will have to see if I readjust or just maintain. I have alot of skin issues that I am working on toning now and that affects the lose in weight.

    Thanks to the other posters. I feel like I bite my husbands head off on a regular basis, and feel really bad for that. I don't know if I have a low self image of myself because of the disporportion of skin and the saggies.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Well just apologize and talk to him about how you are feeling. Tell him its not him, but you are feeling very frustrated. Guys understand more than we give them credit for when we take the time to talk to them.
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