Might have to give up Turbofire - sad - need support.

SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I think I am finding out that Turbofire is too much for my knees and back. At least right now at the ripe weight of 234. I am 7 weeks or so into the "program' so I am very sad to have to consider giving it up. UGH I am afraid I won't lose weight or shape up without it. I'll really miss the music, Chalene, and the moves I've worked so hard to learn and memorize.

I am thinking of switching to strictly treadmill and maybe some sort of circuit training to add strength exercises. Will I still get good calorie burns on the treadmill? Will I still get overall body fitness from the treadmill like I do with Turbofire? I hate my knees right now for causing me to have to give up my turbofire - but I know if I continue I will hurt them even more and possibly end up not being able to do ANYTHING eventually. I can always revisit turbofire when Iose enough weight where the impact isn't so much, right???

Where do I begin to design a treadmill/circuit workout routine? I feel like I have to start all over again and lose all that I've worked for - but thats not true, right? I can still build on my endurance that I've acheived on a treadmill, can't I?


  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Is there anyway you can move the intensity down some to Turbo Jam instead? There is a lower impact modifier on there as well. I love TF, so I can understand how hard it would be to give up.

    On the tready, your best best is to do intervals. Your tready might already come with programs for that. I know mine has a weight loss mode (varying speeds and inclines), a golf course mode (varying inclines), and an interval mode (varying speeds). You can always walk those if your knees are bad.

    Another thing I have done that I enjoyed is to get out my tready, my exercise bike, and dumbbells to create my own circuit routine. I did five minutes or so on each thing then switched for 45 minutes. It definitely took the boredom out of the routine.
  • If you're willing to go out to work out - I suggest curves. It is a great workout and you burn tons of calories. When you walk in, you're going to think "oh this is easy" but if you give it your all on the machines, it is an EXCELLENT burn and tones the whole body at the same time. Check it out if you're up for it.

    Otherwise, if you want to stick with working out in the home. I would maybe think about JM 30 day Shred and supplement with the treadmill. You can always return to Turbojam - or maybe even just do it a few times a week and try other videos.

    Good luck:)
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    Oh how I feel you. I am 53 years old and did not start to put on weight until I was 51 (not menopause by the way, bad choices). Anyway, I have a very small frame and my little joints cannot successfully carry this weight. There is absolutely nothing I can do that my knees don't scream at me and then give me a fit when walking, let me know they are in danger of permanent damage. BUT I found out by accident that I could modify and keep my heart rate up. I haven't done Turbo Jam, but I've seen it and I do Kenpox (from P90X) and I noticed that on my HRM that there was no signifigant difference when I modified. Sometimes I just have to make up something to do while a particular exercise is going on, sometimes I just modify the exercise itself. A fine example is jumping jacks. I found out that my heart rate didn't change when I only did 5 out of 10 properly and only used my arms on the other five. You'd be amazed at what you can do by modifying. You can keep the program you love and make a few substitutions.

    Good luck!
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    If you really like Chalean, try TurboJam. It is so fun and she has 2 girls who do all the moves low-impact (no jumping), and those girls are sweating hard! You can get TurboJam 5 Rockin' workouts on Amazon for about $20 used and $30 new. I have it and it has an intro how to do the moves, 20 min workout and 45 min workout. Also has sculpt & tone workout and an abs workout (haven't done those yet). I think it's a big bang for the bucks. You can always shelve TurboFire for now and come back to it:)
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