my biggest fear...

My biggest fear of working out is gaining a bunch of muscle (I'm a girl)- the last thing I want is to look bulky! I used to ONLY do cardio because of this fear, but a guy friend of mine told me I need to do weights too to be toned like I want to be. He said gaining pounds and pounds of muscle is not easy and something that takes a long time.

I see other girls at the gym and some are so lean and toned and some are bulkier-like a more athletic look...I want to ask what they do, but I don't want to seem like a weirdo!

I know doing low weight/high reps is better if you want to be lean, but does anyone have any other advice on how I can be lean and not bulky?! For those of you females who also want to be lean/toned, what do you do and is it working or are you getting bulky?



  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Unless you are ingesting some scary supplements (creatine, or VERY high levels of protein), you won't get bulky. Very few women are built to build muscle like men. As an ex elite athlete, I did weights for 5 years straight (10-11 months of the year, alternating circuits, heavy with few reps, and light with many reps, and I never got bulky, just leaner).
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    More cardio less resistance. You can find a balance. Too much resistance builds muscle isntead of just burning calories or fat. Hope that helps.
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    this is a case of "know thyself." Are you naturally muscular? I'm not. When I added muscle, I dropped a ton of weight much faster. It is also the ONLY way to change your shape. If you are very muscular naturally, stick with low weights and lots of reps. If you are not naturally muscular, higher weights will do the trick. That, and never take steroids! :noway:
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    More cardio less resistance. You can find a balance. Too much resistance builds muscle isntead of just burning calories or fat. Hope that helps.

    While cardio burns more calories than strength training, building muscle is the easiest way to burn calories while doing nothing, since muscle burns more calories per pound than fat.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    No worries you wont bulk up
  • keybelle
    keybelle Posts: 15
    I added strength training every other day for about 30 minutes because muscle burns more calories, even at rest. I do a workout at home. I use 5 lb. dumbbells to do about 15 reps on biceps, triceps, pectorals, and shoulder presses (pushing the weight straight up). Then I do about 50 crunches, and another 50 oblique crunches (side abdominal muscles). Then, I strap on leg weights, I started with 3 lbs. an ankle, now I use 6 lbs. an ankle. I do inner and outer thigh, quads and gluteals. I have been doing this since October and most would probably agree it is a very minimal weight workout, but I am getting well toned, and the best part is that it helped the weight loss move along faster.

    I think, unless you have an unusually high testosterone level for a woman, bulking up takes some pretty heavy weights. I love a little definition. I am increasing my weight load, but the way I learned, you lift the most weight you can for about 12-15 reps, not a lot of sets. Probably a bunch of folks disagree, but this has worked for me on and off since the 80's or early 90's when I started doing it. My problem lies in getting the motivation through the years. I also don't have time to spend doing a bunch of sets of reps.

    Good luck!
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    Just do low weight and high reps, I don't need anymore bulk myself so I will set a comfortable weight and do between 15-20 reps with it.
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    Weights won't make you bulky. Even heavy weights. It's very difficult for women to get "bulky" because we just don't have the testosterone levels men do. I've gone for quite a heavy lifting routine and while I'm a lot more defined from it, by no means am I huge or hulk-like.
  • christinet8504
    I think you should go up to the ladies in the gym and ask! Those people may look amazing now and they may seem like they have all the answers, but you'd be surprised how many started out like so many of us - beginning a new life and LEARNING how to be our best selves. Unless the chick is a hateful capital B, shes probably going to be flattered and YOU might learn some new tips/tricks - and then you can share with US!!! :)

    Think about it - if another woman walked up to you in all honesty and said you looked great and asked how you do it, especially if you could tell that person was genuine and really wanted to know, would you think they were a creeper or a weirdo? No - in fact you may even make a new friend!
  • cjudesaenz
    cjudesaenz Posts: 67 Member
    ALL WOMEN NEED SOME SORT OF STRENGTH TRAINING.... it helps build stronger bones aiding to decrease the chance of osteoporosis and related fractures... that said.... dont be afraid of the weights just adding 2-5 pounds to a squat, lunge, or walk can do wonders... and muscle burns more calories... and stretch to lengthen your muscles... just do it an you will not regret it...
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    There are SOOOO many myths out there regarding women and weights. First, as you've been told, you won't "bulk up". Women rarely, if ever, are able to build that type of muscle mass without supplements (steroids). Second, high reps and low weights are a waste of time. You should always lift as heavy a weight as you can safely handle for 8-10 reps. Meaning you can't do the last rep. If you're not lifting to failure on your last set, you're not building muscle - you're just doing repetitive motions for very little pay-off.

    I highly recommend you start with these two web sites:

    Scooby's site has great videos showing you how to do the various exercises. Don't fear the weights. Have fun and challenge yourself!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    There are SOOOO many myths out there regarding women and weights. First, as you've been told, you won't "bulk up". Women rarely, if ever, are able to build that type of muscle mass without supplements (steroids). Second, high reps and low weights are a waste of time. You should always lift as heavy a weight as you can safely handle for 8-10 reps. Meaning you can't do the last rep. If you're not lifting to failure on your last set, you're not building muscle - you're just doing repetitive motions for very little pay-off.

    I highly recommend you start with these two web sites:

    Scooby's site has great videos showing you how to do the various exercises. Don't fear the weights. Have fun and challenge yourself!

    I don't know about the sites, but the info said is true. Girls don't bulk up...unless you're adding in testosterone in your daily diet, you won't bulk up. And it's true that the low weight lots of reps doesn't do anything. You should be able to do 12 rep max with weights. If you hit 12 and could keep going, you need to up your weights.

    And...lifting weight does help sooo much to counter osteoporosis (spelling?). Check out this video I just found.
  • GrapeSnatcher
    GrapeSnatcher Posts: 6 Member
    thank you everyone for your tips/advice/support!