
So I started using this site back in January. I was diligent about tracking EVERYTHING...February was a horrible month for me. I manage a department and due to budget issues and being short staffed in the first place my life got crazy. I was horrible about eating regular meals, my exercise habits were hit and miss and to make matters worse I actually gained weight instead of losing. My boyfriend started this weight loss adventure with me and initially he was dedicated, now he's fallen off the wagon. So having him to keep me motivated wasn't happening.

I realized it all boiled down to me and how bad did I want to lose weight AND live a healthier life. I now find my motivation in watching the biggest loser. I also know a girl who was diagnosed with cancer last year while pregnant, had her baby early and three days after giving birth was in chemo & radiation treatment and had brain surgery. That same determined lady just ran a half marathon. That packed a punch for know someone who had the odds against them yet was determined to stay strong mentally & physically helped me get my head right.

I just started a nutritional food program (no names mentioned) because I realize with my crazy schedule part of my problem was having time to plan and prepare my meals. I'm hoping in a couple months things will settle down in my life and I can begin to prepare my own foods. I feel great knowing that I am on the right track again and am more determined than ever to get to my goal weight.

Even though I don't usually blog much, I do enjoy reading everyone's blogs here and honestly it does give me food for thought. This outlet is great and I'm so happy I stumbled upon it on my android phone.

So everyone out there...keep up the good work. I appreciate anyone that wants to be my blog makes me more accountable knowing someone is keeping tabs on me...

Have a great week.


  • ocsurfmama
    ocsurfmama Posts: 127
    Hi. I am not blogging but I do try to read the posts and comment when I have the chance. I am a newbie here (been here a week) but I am happy to help motivate you and maybe together with others here we can all reach our goals! Nice to meet you :)