New here and not sure how to log my exercise...

I go to Curves and workout, and I am not sure how to log that here. Its both strength and cardio, and I dont know reps or anything. What is the best way for me to track it? Or should I just not track it and know I have earned those extra calories? I want to be thorough as much as possible.


  • TracyFace
    TracyFace Posts: 65
    I go to Curves and workout, and I am not sure how to log that here. Its both strength and cardio, and I dont know reps or anything. What is the best way for me to track it? Or should I just not track it and know I have earned those extra calories? I want to be thorough as much as possible.
  • gummo
    gummo Posts: 20 Member
    Maybe try "circuit training"
  • mscottgr8
    mscottgr8 Posts: 11
    I agree with the circuit training. I go to a body pump class and it is hard to know how many reps we do so I log it under the circuit training. My friend has the body bugg and what myfitnesspal calculates under circuit training is almost what her body bugg says she burned, so I think it is close. Hope this made sense and was helpful :)

  • TracyFace
    TracyFace Posts: 65
    I think that looks about right, THANKS!!