Do I need more cardio on top of the Jillian Michael's 30DS?



  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I'm about to start day2/level 1 - boy I am SORE this morning!

    I think I will have to do some cardio, whether it is some step or just go for a walk, just to get my aching muscles used to the idea that they're gonna be used!

    As for weights, I'm using 2kg ones which I guess is about 4lbs, seems about right for me, couldn't go any higher.

    I am looking for 'shred buddies' to add so can motivate eachother :)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Isn't the shred 20 mins???

    I do more than 20 mins, often do 2 of the 3 workouts, sometimes all of them together. Or I use a different DVD with other circuits.

    Sometimes I use it later in the day after 45 min class or gym session... I prefer to aim for 60 mins a day if I can
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    if you have the energy and time, definitely do more cardio on top of 30DS. i like to do an extra hour or two. i especially love doing yoga in the evenings, i can feel bouncy and stretchy and it REALLY reduces any muscle soreness i get from 30DS :)
  • mrs_howard
    mrs_howard Posts: 2 Member
    hi ive been doing the 30ds monday -friday and light excercise on the weekends only started last week didnt lose much weight but can fees the difference in the way my clothes fit this week im throwing in 3 days of jm 6week 6 pack day one today and im feeling pretty crap lol. I logged 6 week 6 pack as 30 mins high impact aerobics and 30ds as 20 mins calisthenics someone on here reccomended that :)
  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    I would recommend doing some additional cardio with Shred if you are looking to LOSE weight. I think if you were only looking to tone, you would be okay with just Shred.
    But when I do it, I average about 300 calories as well but my muscles feel like they had a workout. When I have just done Shred on its own, I do not see a difference in weight. You could probably do Shred on your "off days"