what happened?

So my diley calorie intake should be 1200. Today I burned 494 calories doing exercise but only ate 455 calories. I have been watching what I eat but usually get a lot closer to my goal intake than this. The strange thing is Im not hungry. I couldnt make myself eat another bite. Just wondering what happened.


  • zachsk
    zachsk Posts: 4
    I have over 300 calories left to spend this evening and I'm not hungry either. For me personally, I think my stomach and my mind are getting used to eating less. I realize overtime your metabolism will actually slow down if you don't eat, but for tonight - I'm treating it as a little celebration. It's almost 9pm my time and by now (in the past) I would be searching cupboards for something to snack on!
  • jrt9999
    jrt9999 Posts: 114
    Make sure you are accurately counting calories by using a scale and so on...I say this because no way my body would ever let me eat less than what I exercised off let alone my normal daily functioning needs.
  • bethymay123
    Usually I do ok but today I actually have a negitive net calorie intake. I have a calorie allowance of 1237 left for today.