Why Not Diet Soda



  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    they are usually very high in sodium which is not good

    CL is 0mg sodium, diet pop is 60-80 and 1 class of water is 60+ so no, that’s not a reason.

    DRINK POP!! Forget the naysayers, do you really want to live your life in a coma and not even enjoy diet food on your diet? If you want, limit pop to 1 per day since the effects of aspartame are still not yet proven.
  • melt57
    melt57 Posts: 60 Member
    I have been on diets in the past, and I was always hungry. I consider myself a Diet Coke addict. I would drink several glasses each day. When I signed up for MFP, I gave up my diet soda and switched to water/unsweetened iced tea, and I can definitely say that it has been easier to keep below my calorie limits without feeling hungry. I've found myself needing to use up remaining calories at the end of the day even though I wasn't that hungry. I do miss my Diet Coke, but I have to say that its been easier without it. (I'm still shocked!)
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    It's a good idea to avoid fake food.