First Post!

I am 30 years old and have been struggling with my weight issues for about 10 years. I got down 100lbs at one point, then got preggo and gained every pound back and when my daughter was born we found out that she had a medical problem and would require an extensive and scary operation so I put on another 20lb during that time. I have to be honest here, I have gastric sleeve surgery scheduled for March 30th and my pre op is this thurs. March 17 and it's also the day I'm supposed to start my all liquid 2 week diet! I thought that having weight loss surgery was what I wanted to do, but I really don't want to do it! I'm down 40lbs since Oct 1 2010. I would really like to just keep on losing the weight the natural way. I just wonder if I can really do this. I would love to hear your sucess stories for motivation. My husband is deployed right now and I wanted so badly to be thinner when he returns in July! I wonder if it's really possible to lose another 40lbs before then?? What do you think?


  • Trishkit
    Trishkit Posts: 290 Member
    To be honest, I feel like if you're having ANY second thoughts about having the surgery, you might want to put it off. That's a serious thing and I know I wouldn't want to go into it not feeling comfortable about the decision.

    As far as a success story, well ... I just posted my before/during photos here:

    I don't know how feasible losing 40 lbs by July is for you, as it depends on you, your lifestyle, etc. But you CAN do it. Sometimes it takes a little time, but slow and steady wins the race.
  • spoiledwifenikki
    I just joined and I've only lost a pound so I don't have a success story yet. But I wanted to tell you I believe if you put your heart and soul into anything it can be done.So you need to ask yourself will you be self satisfied with surgery or doing it natural.
  • MeaganAnn84
    Hi! My sister had gastric bypass surgery and lost about 30 lbs, then stayed the same weight for a long time. It wasn't until she started thinking about what she was eating that she lost weight. She had to change the thoughts in her head, then the weight started coming off. I honestly think the natural way is the way to go, you've already lost 40 lbs, which is awesome! I bet you could lose another 40 lbs by July, I'd want to be miss hottie for my hubby if he were gone also! I hope this helps, I'm not in your boat, but I wish you luck!!!