My Journey

Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I joined Myfitnesspal over a year ago but I did not participate on the website until a month ago. I am almost 32, I have been married 10 years to a wonderful man. I have no kids but I do have 2 dogs and a cat.
Most of my life I have been overweight. For the last year or two I feel like I am wasting my youth being unhealthy. I don't want to look back on my life and keep saying "If I only" anymore. Every new years day I look back on the last year and wonder "if I only stuck to that diet, what would I look like now"? "The months have passed by so fast, would it have killed me to have stuck with it"? I haven't been able to buy clothes out of the "non-plus" section since I was a teenager and I realllllly want to wear cute clothes too. LOL
I am bound and determined to lose weight but even more so get healthy. I want to feel good as much as I look good. This is the first time I have fully immersed myself into a healthy lifestyle. I have been walking for almost a year but I now I exercise 5 days a week, burning 1000-1500 calories each time I go to the gym. I eat a 2000 calorie a day diet(I need for the amount of exercise I do) I am constantly learning new recipes and have a ton of produce in my house all the times now. Things have changed so much already, I am really excited to see where I am next year.
I am really looking forward to the rest of this weight loss journey and would be happy to have you along for the ride. Add me as a friend if you want. :)


  • Hoplost
    Hoplost Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Good luck on your journey, I have been a member for awhile now as well but can find it hard at times to stick to my diet, but i am changing my habits and starting to enjoy exercising more, Just remeber if you have a naughty day don't feel guilty but start afresh the next day.... :flowerforyou:
  • hyoung3
    hyoung3 Posts: 85 Member
    I think you've got a great mindset going.

    You're right... the times flies by. If you stick with it, the time will fly by, too.

    Before you know it, your health and the way you look and feel all change for the better and you start thinking...
    "Wow, that wasn't so bad after all".

    You'll be wearing those cute things and loving the way you look in them... we're behind you all the way...

    Good luck !!
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    You guys are so sweet and ty for all the friend requests. :)
  • You are definitely gonna reach those goals, I know it! I haven't been out of the plus size sectiion since I was a teenager either. I want the cute clothes too! The afforable ones, too.. cause Lord knows it isn't cheap to buy plus size except at Walmart, who can be hit or miss.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Yeah, and all the clearance stuff at the good stores have smaller sizes. Bargain shopping, here we come! :)
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