Most Terrible Weekend!!!

I need some support here! I was doing so well! Then my cheat day, Saturday, I went well overboard. I thought...ok it was my cheat day whatever get back in the saddle. Well Sunday came along with a huge pinata filled with peanut butter cups. BAD NEWS! I've gained all I lost in two weeks! I'm so dissapointed in myself and I want to just let it slide right off my back but I'm feeling depressed. My weigh in is Tuesday and I'm just dreading it now. How do you guys eat responsibly even on your cheat days? How can I control myself to not let this happen next weekend?


  • soonergirl1289
    Well I know that I haven't completely taken over my self-control yet so I don't give myself cheat days. I give myself cheat meals - just a couple a week. It makes me not want to go all out on any given day. This way I can always stay in my calories and not feel like I'm being completely deprived of the good stuff. it has been really helpful. just a thought!
  • tinkerbell1964
    it happens , don't worry about it, i keep saying to myself it's not a race , i'm bound to have the odd blow out, just get back on track , and don't dwell on the negatives.......
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    No honey you haven't gained it back unless you ate an extra 3500 cals for every pound gained. It's most likely just sodium. Drink lots of water and eat right. I bet it's gone in a couple of days.
  • Emybabi
    Emybabi Posts: 1
    I try not giving myself cheat days so instead I do a cheat meal. I behave all week and then on saturday night I have my "cheat meal" for dinner and treat myself to anything I've been craving !
  • Sharonbed4d
    Sharonbed4d Posts: 163
    I bet some of your gain is water weight. Drink lots of water and see it that helps. How much are you restricting your calories during the week? Are you eating your exercise calories? If you deprive yourself too much on a regular basis, that could cause you to go overboard on cheat days. No matter what, don't get discouraged...just get back into it and try to remember that next weekend.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    You didn't "gain" anything, or mostly anything. I'm guessing you weighed yourself early and you saw a jump in the scale. Think about all the extra food you took in over the weekend over the usual amount. That food is still in your digestive track. You consumed a little too much over the weekend (so did I), but don't let it get you down. Today is a new day. Learn from your past, but don't dwell on it. If you are still feeling guilty, push yourself a little harder during a workout or add one to the week (but don't over do it, don't try to burn it all off in one sitting).
  • xboomerx
    xboomerx Posts: 29 Member
    I think a lot of people have had this happen. Just take a deep breath and re-commit to following your diet the rest of the week. I had about a bajillion cookies yesterday and a lot of chips and sausage (BBQ at the park) and the scale shows it. This morning I'm starting off right and I'm focusing on my goals for today and the rest of the week.
  • mrsknotts
    mrsknotts Posts: 115
    What a great idea! A cheat meal instead of a cheat day I think would be much more appropriate. And also you guys are right, I haven't had nearly enough water this weekend. I usually drink around 7 of those 16.9oz bottles of water. I probably had that combined Saturday and Sunday. I hate restarting but it's just what I have to do.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    What a great idea! A cheat meal instead of a cheat day I think would be much more appropriate. And also you guys are right, I haven't had nearly enough water this weekend. I usually drink around 7 of those 16.9oz bottles of water. I probably had that combined Saturday and Sunday. I hate restarting but it's just what I have to do.

    Most everyone here (there are exceptions, I know) has had to restart at one time or another, or in my case, many It's part of the process. Those who are successful are the ones who keep restarting after they have had a slip or have indulged.
    Just keep going! :flowerforyou:
  • mellybiene
    It's happened to me before, where I ate so much on one day I gained all the weight I lost. Don't beat yourself up too much, it happens and well, its lesson learned for you :>

    If you have trouble controlling yourself, you should plan your cheat days in advance. Choose a meal, a dish or a snack you really want to eat and do it for that weekend. And plan the portions as well. That way you won't overeat, and get a piece of your indulgence as well :>

    As long as you don't give up, it's ok to restart so hang in there, and good luck! :>