If I didn't feel bad enough...



  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I'm always paranoid saying anything to anyone in that respect. This lady who has her child in the same creche as mine, has a huge bump but it took me ages to congratulate her, I was so afraid of getting it wrong! :laugh:
  • I've been asked that before.
    I just smiled sweetly and responded with "oh how embarrassing for you - I'm not pregnant" and watched as their faces fell and they stuttered for reply....They gave up after a few seconds and walked away :laugh:
  • lulu64uk
    lulu64uk Posts: 62
    somebody offered me a seat once thinking I was expecting, I was so embarressed, that I just thanked them for the seat and flopped down in it ! looking back it was funny but didnt feel that way at the time - Chin up x
  • I know that it's not funny... and it's not.. it sucks.. trust me I know!! (My own daughter told me in Old Navy one time when I was searching for a pair of shorts that if I wasn't so fat that I could find some... yeah.. she got a bar of soap for that one...) But... what IS funny.. is I was just watching a movie last night called Wedding Daze or something like that... and in the movie the 2 get on the bus and there is a woman standing there that you assume is pregnant (has the belly and whatnot), and the guy lets her sit down next to his girlfriend. She sees her stomach and says "May I?" And then just proceeds to put her hand on her stomach... and then "feels it kick" so he gets down and puts his FACE on her stomach (which is pretty illogical... who would do that to a stranger?!?! LOL) But anyways... he asks her when she's due and she says "I'm not.... and this is my stop... lemme off... lemme off... lemme off!!!"
    I'm sorry that this happened to you.. just keep pluggin away sugar!
  • Denise6914
    Denise6914 Posts: 176
    Ouch, I know how bad that hurts. That's happened to me twice. Hugs!
  • i have people poking at my "back boobs" at school, and it really hurts my feelings sometimes :( but you know what i'm loosing the back fat and now i look at those days with a smile :)

    just think of this day as one of those moments you will look back on when you lose the weight :) don't let this push you down, instead push forward!
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