lying/cheating/exaggerating me



  • feliciapeters
    I OVER estimate on FOOD
    UNDER estimate on exercise

    The only one I'm cheating is myself
  • loriefolk
    loriefolk Posts: 352
    NOPE! This site keeps me 100% honest and I love that!
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    i overestimate, but then again, i don't log everything, like the candy bar i'm about to go eat. i met my goal in october of last year and i'm under my goal weight by 5 pounds. my diary is open and not 100% honest, it's full of lies and cheat meals, but i think i'm doing okay. somedays, i don't log everything because i'm lazy i guess or i don't have to.

    whatever works for you.

    all the best.
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Absolutely not. There's only one person you're cheating!!!
  • its_betty
    its_betty Posts: 104 Member
    It's only data, so fibbing only wrecks the accuracy of the data.

    I try to keep it honest. Keeping a food log is teaching me how many calories are in a given amount of each food. When I stop calorie-counting, I want to have learned how much is a reasonable serving of everything, so I can eat reasonable meals without stopping to calculate every calorie.

    (Although I probably underestimate my Costco sample calories. At least that's only every couple of weeks LOL.)
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    I found myself over-estimating on exercise just because my HRM was inaccurate and showing very high for calories burned. I also never measured portions, and found myself eating little things here and there.. in the beginning it didn’t matter and I lost weight (probably because I was breastfeeding.) Then I got stuck at a plateau and really looked at what I had been doing (or not.) I got a new, more accurate HRM and I was astounded and how many more calories my old one said I was burning. So I got accurate with that, then started measuring everything and logging every little bite, and just like that, lost 1.6lbs and (hopefully) broke the plateau. Long story short, MFP works, if you are 100% honest with yourself and accurate! :)
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I tend to err on the side of caution - overestimate my food calories and underestimate my calories burned. But I try to be as honest as I can - which is why I admitted that yes, I did eat potato chips AND Hostess Ding Dongs AND Hostess Cupcakes yesterday! :) Oh - and McDonalds for breakfast.
  • rickdz
    rickdz Posts: 15
    I do this too, but it's probably very slight. I x saw someone post today that they burned 2100 calories in 6 hours of shopping. That's extreme exaggeration and I don't see the point of bothering with this if your numbers are just completely made up