Not getting support.



  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Thankyou all for your comments there are some good suggestions there, He works in the catering department at the hospital and has just had his mum bring me a coronation chicken baguette, packet of crisps, a choclate flapjack and a bottle of full fat cocacola (knowing full well i have NEVER EVER drank full fat coke always diet) i think its all a joke to him, hes a 27 year old man so i think he should know better then this. I just dont think sitting down and talking it over with him would help, He has also mentioned the fact that because im dieting i shouldn't expect him to which i dont i would just like more support.
    I've just read your latest comments. He's definitely frightened. But, don't let that deterr you from your goals.