Silly Special Abilities?



  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    I am also a foot-picker-upper. But my best thing is I am great at reading aloud--I kick *kitten* at accents and I create a new voice for every character. My kid has a good ear, too, so he challenges me. When we were reading the Harry Potter series, he would remind me that I had "already used that voice" for some bit character three books ago, so I would have to come up with a new one.
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    I can "shake" my eyes...they look like they're vibrating. IDK how, when, or why I discovered this ability. :huh:

    I can do this too! That was my one stupid trick I could use to freak other kids out when I was little :) My brother can do it too but other people don't understand how it works, I just kind of concentrate really hard and make those muscles freak out!
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I can recite the alphabet backwards very fast.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I can touch my elbows together behind my back.
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    i can sit on the floor with both feet behind my head
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I can blow in my hands and play them like a musical instrument.

    Do you mean air or....
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Okay, it's not really an "ability", it's considered a "neurological disorder". But I see music. It's called synesthesia, and it's when stimulus in one sense produces a response in another, usually unconnected sense. Like seeing sounds as colors, lines, shapes etc. or tasting musical notes (C minor is bitter, etc.)

    Some forms of synesthesia, like tasting musical notes or smelling colors, are more rare. The most common form is having colored weekdays (ie. monday is red, tuesday is green) and months. Letters/numbers to color is also very common. I have that one as well.

    Oh, and in synesthetes there are two types- projectors and associators. Associators don't actually "see" the synesthetic response, they see it in their minds eye or have a very definite association. Projectors actually see their responses outside of their bodies, like on a screen in front of them. I'm a projector with my colored sounds and have associated colored letters.

    Synesthetes are born with synesthesia and have it their whole lives. Some people experience temporary synesthesia after taking LSD, and a few people develop synesthesia after an accident/brain damage. It's true synesthesia, though, if the responses are always consistent (they don't change day to day or even year to year) and they're involuntary (you can't turn them off).

    *takes off nerd glasses, shuts off PowerPoint*

    This is really pretty cool. :)

    I do something like this...I think. I associate people w/ certain colors. Even people I only know online- I see them as yellow, blue, white, etc.

    I also read Tarot with a pretty decent degree of accuracy. (Well...I used to. It's been a while.)

    I have dreams that "come true", sometimes years down the road. I'll be in that situation and remember having the dream, so I'll know what's going to happen next. Sometimes I'll deliberately say/do something that wasn't in the dream, just because the situation freaks me out a little bit. :D

    Back in *this* realm: I pick up accents annoyingly easily. I work in a phone bank, and if I'm speaking to someone w/ a pronounced southern/English/Whatever accent, by the end of the conversation I'm struggling NOT to talk the way they are because I don't want them to think I'm making fun of them. I'm not; it's not on purpose. The other night DH and I were watching The Godfather. Yup, you guessed it... *sigh* It was cool when I went to Scotland for two weeks, though.
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue!
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    I can hear voices nobody else can hear. Except when I'm on my medication :laugh:

    I can drink 28 cups of coffee in a day and not get hospitalised. That's the limit though... from experience...
  • Soon2BMrsRamos
    I can bend my toes at the middle joint and walk like that. It makes them look double jointed but the doc said I wasn't... IDK
    My fiance is more interesting...he can do the wave with his eyebrows and talk like scooby doo.