HRM, Say WHAT?????

thomasmarnold Posts: 64
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I just got a new Polar FT40 HRM and used it for the first time this morning. I used it exactly as the instructions said. I put in all of my information and wet the chest strap contacts and set the watch up properly and began my weightlifting workout this morning. I did 53 min and 4 sec according to the watch. That is fine, what I cannot believe it that it says I burned 1001 calories during my workout. Calories fat % 10. My average heart rate was 162 and my maximum heart rate was 186.

I am 6'1" tall and 196 lbs. I work out 3 days a week weightlifting and also do the Les Mills Body Combat, and 3 days a week HIIT cardio (Elliptical 1 hour, Treadmill 30 minutes to 1 hour alone with a sprint workout). I have been doing this since July of last year. My Heart rate upper limit is 164. my resting hear rate is around 68.

Is it possible that I could burn 1001 calories in almost 1 hour of weightlifting? I only take a short break inbetween reps, mostly 1-1/2 minutes.

I did a total upper body workout with 11 different exercises from shoulders to back to biceps to chest. I can go into more detail on the workout if needed.

I just really need to know if the HRM is accurate of not. I want to believe it is, but Dang, that is a lot of calories burned for one hour of workout. But, I did workout very, very hard.

Thanks in advance!


  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Yup...totally plausible if your heart rate was actually at those levels.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    yep its possible, I do on average 1000 cals/hr with around the same hr that you mentioned. The polar ones are pretty accurate.
  • deannarey13
    deannarey13 Posts: 452
  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    I'm also interested in knowing...I just received my Puma Cardiac Plus HRM today as well. I put on the watch and chest strap, and got it all working. My average resting heart rate is around 60-65 bpm, and it told me I burned over 400 cals just sitting in front of my computer typing...doesn't sound right either.
  • SK24373
    SK24373 Posts: 36 Member
    I believe that it is possible. What kind of HRM do you have? Is it one where you can periodically check your HR? I have an inexpensive but good one that lets me check my heart rate whenever I want.. With mine, the more frequently you check, the more accurate your reading will be, since it calculates based on actual read and doesn't know if you've slowed down or not.

    It is amazing that some days your HR just goes right to the target and others days it drags :)

    But if you do circuit or interval training with very little rest in between sets, your heart rate probably is getting up there and remaining there.

    Either way....WTG!
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    That's awesome! Pretty believable because its taking your HR and all your stats into account.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    You have a Polar which is a very trusted brand. It's what I use. I also couldn't believe my burns when I first got mine, but for the opposite reason. My burn is so little for an hour of running, even at above target heartrate, but I would trust what your HRM says if you are sure you have all the settings correct. My burn is so little because I'm short and petite and my 300-400 calorie burn is a pretty big chunk still of my overall caloric intake, so it works out.

    You are tall and your heartrate is up. I don't think your burn is impossible to achieve. It sounds realistic in your situation. If I were you, I would double check settings. If everything is right, then trust that it is accurate. Worst case, if your progress stalls in the next few weeks, you can revisit the topic for further analysis.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    Yes. AT 5'7, 179 lbs and RHR of about 67, I can burn about 700 calories in 1 hour of rock climbing. Similar strentgh training intervals. Short bursts of effort while climbing (or doing sets), then rest, then burst. So given what you've said, I'd think the burn is plausible.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    I'm also interested in knowing...I just received my Puma Cardiac Plus HRM today as well. I put on the watch and chest strap, and got it all working. My average resting heart rate is around 60-65 bpm, and it told me I burned over 400 cals just sitting in front of my computer typing...doesn't sound right either.
    The HRM are not for everyday wearing they are designed for workout use if you want something accurated to wear when doing every day duties get a Boddybugg.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    I have a Bodymedia daily monitor armband and I burn 350 calories in 40 mins walking 18min/mile pace. So a 1000+ calories for someone your size and HR at that level would be very possible.
  • Yes I totally think so if your heart rate was at that level. I also have the polar FT4 and think it's a fantastic tool. I use an app on my phone called smartrunner and it's really spot on too, it nearly always agrees with the HRM when I'm out running or walking. So it makes me trust the HRM even more.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Bump. I need to come back to this thread later.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    i weight 126 and did 1000calories in 2.5 hours. I think your burn is definitely possible. Did you feel like you were working hard? Does you HRM have you enter your height, weight, and age? It those are set correctly it very well could be right.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I think that sounds right. I do a heavy circuit sports training with weights. They usually last around 45 min and I burn between 350-500 calories depending on my heart rate. I'm only 128 lbs so you should burn a lot more.
  • Thanks everyone. I do have all of my settings correct. My height, weight, age, ect. I feel much better now. I love this site, y'all are all so helpfull. Thank you. I have Body Combat class tonight so I am looking forward to seeing how many calories I burn in that one hour class. It is a high intensity workout. Thanks again everyone.......
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