
Hello fitnesspal world. I am only on week two and a complete sissy so be easy with me. :)

my absolute worst area is my tummy and love handles. if I didnt have those, the rest of my body could be in clothes two sizes smaller. I do the elliptical and I do sit-ups and other leg excercises. is that the best way to hit the middle? I am really concerned about losing the lovehanldes and muffin top! I did lose 2.4lbs last week so that is good BUT I wont be real excited till I actually see results. anyway, any advise would be awesome! and good luck to you all too.



  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    You can't spot lose weight. Your body will remove fat however it decides and the stomach is usually the last to go. However, by doing the ab exercises, it will help tighten your core and help show less stomach. The leg exercises are the best way to burn fat as the leg muscles are the largest muscle group, thus will burn the most fat. Don't forget to work your arms as well.
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    1) What hroush said is true about spot reduction for weight. Can't lose weight in one place, blah, blah, soap box, etc.

    2) You CAN tone, though. The more muscle you build, the more fat you will burn and more proportional you will look. Ab and leg toning exercises are helpful, but it sounds like you do the lighter kind that don't offer fast results. Be patient with that.
    If you challenge your muscles (as in doing full body strength training exercises) at least 2-3 times a week, you will see faster and gorgeous results.

    3) Before anyone says anything about 'bulking up' know that it would require numerous hours spent every day at the gym doing weight lifting for any woman to become 'bulky'.

    Hope that helped some.