I Would Like to See

arogers98 Posts: 38 Member
Started 5 days ago. I have 79 lbs to lose. Technically I suppose that can be accomplished by Dec 14, 2011 (40 weeks). Bottom line would be by June 2012 though (cruise with parents/brothers-in-law I will not see this entire year). However, instead of having to scroll through a plethora of posts, I would like to see before and after pics of those of you who have lost that much (or more) so far as reinforcement. Anyone out there that has accomplished that much? A little discouraged.


  • dian1227
    dian1227 Posts: 122 Member
    Hey listen, started at 302 (its hard for me to even say that) and my goal is 185, so you can see how much I have to lose. It can be discouraging and frightening too. But, I'm here and a bunch of us are commited to encouraging, motivating, and just being down right kick in the pants honest with you.

    If you feel comfortable open up your diary the way most of us have so we can all help out and you can help us stay on track too.


  • glorod
    glorod Posts: 54 Member
    Hey guys!

    Im looking to lose about 100lbs too! im 14lbs down and a long ways to go..add me as your friend and we can support each other. Good Luck to you both :)
  • mufiey
    mufiey Posts: 38
    my goal is 1OO lbs too when i look at that no it seems so big and scary! although i wouldn't wish it on anyone its nice to know your not alone in such a quest! 6 lbs down and struggling along.
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Just break it up into small goals and take it one day at a time. Take pictures every couple weeks and measurements to reinforce your progress.
  • redbirdsings
    redbirdsings Posts: 38 Member
    my goal is 125 pounds. I am down 46 so far. I have broken it up into smaller chunks (haha chunks) to make it not seem so overwhelming. I am 9.5 pounds from my first goal of 55 pounds.
    I hearda quote once " by perserverance the snail reached the ark" im slinking my way there, not gonna miss this boat. Sometimes day by day is even too much, but literally choice by choice. I made so many decisions about food in the past without thought but now every choice has to be conscious even if it's not a great one ! you can do it!
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    You CAN do it. Please do not get discouraged. I started on November 8, 2010 at 289 pounds, and today I am 231 pounds. I started counting calories and walking everyday. In January, I joined a gym (which is not necessary, but I do love my Zumba classes). I log my food a day in advance or the morning of, which is not to say that I don't make changes. I also log my exercise in the morning, that way I can spread my calories out through the day, and once I do that, I have to exercise. Like someone else said, set small goals for yourself. I take mine 10 pounds at a time. Hopefully, I will be saying goodbye to the 230's this week. If I were to constantly focus on the total amount I have to lose, I probably wouldn't still be here. It's not that I am not aware of how much I have to lose, I just can't think about it all the time or it would drive me crazy. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • MusicalMe
    MusicalMe Posts: 64 Member
    As of this picture, I was down 80 pounds in a year. It's very possible and realistic to expect 79 pounds in around a year. Good luck, you can do it!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Bump - I'll go back to this one for inspiration! Thanks!!
  • leedyc
    leedyc Posts: 15
    I lost 100lbs in about a year doing P90x for 3 months and insanity for 4. The key is to not do workouts you aren't prepared for. P90x and Insanity are very intense home workouts so before starting P90x I did 45 min walks on an incline treadmill to build my legs and cardio. You might think walking isn't too intense but that's the beauty of it, it tricks your mind into thinking you're doing less when really my walks usually got my heart up to 170 beats per minute and strengthened my cardio enough to begin P90x.

    Six day workouts work the best. If you're always working out, you'll feel that the fuel (healthy food) you're putting into your body is being put to good use. I know more than anybody that salty fried foods can put you into a feeding frenzy but if you try to workout after a few hotdogs and some beer, (true experience) you'll feel terrible.

    Work on cardiovascular workouts with some muscle toning techniques. Don't focus so much on workouts that build a ton of muscle in your arms or chest, they're usually longer and that muscle can lie under the fat making you look larger if you don't do enough cardio. Seeing these results can discourage you from progressing further.

    Other than that take the adventure of cooking new and healthy foods. Sure lean cuisines and low fat yogurt can taste like cardboard but if you cook up some stir fry vegetables with some teryaki sauce and grilled chicken or a lean sirloin with a mushroom sauce you'll have a new appreciation for what food actually can be.

    If you have a problem feeling as full as you used to and have trouble controlling your portions, try to set alarms and eat every 2-3 hours. Doing this you'll never feel stuffed or starving and you'll get your cooking skills up. Took me about three tries to make a two egg omelette that didn't look like a landfill of mushrooms and chives but I eventually got the hang of it. Over the year I've learned to make a slew of meals using healthy recipes. Plus now my girlfriend is impressed that I can actually cook.

    Keep with it and I promise you the choices you make to be healthier will come natural. McDonald's and pizza will start to make you feel ill instantly and you won't even want to bother with that trash. Keep up with you're myfitnesspal calculator and make sure not to go over on your goals and you'll find that this process is less overwhelming than you thought.

    If you have any questions just friend me I'd love to help with any tips I might have to help you achieve your goals.

    Good luck.
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Work on cardiovascular workouts with some muscle toning techniques. Don't focus so much on workouts that build a ton of muscle in your arms or chest, they're usually longer and that muscle can lie under the fat making you look larger if you don't do enough cardio. Seeing these results can discourage you from progressing further.
    Terrible advice, honestly. First of all, you won't put on a significant amount of muscle if you are in a calorie deficeit mode. The goal of strength training during a diet is to maintain muscle while you lose. Second of all, read almost any article/blog/post from a professional trainer on here and all of them recommend a strength training regimen for people trying to lose weight. Preserving muscle means preserving your metabolism and also when you are skinny you don't want to look "skinny fat'. You want to have definition and build.

    Usually when I lift weights I do circuits or something that keeps my heart rate up while I lift. If I work one muscle group for one lift, I'll use another group for my next lift so it promotes "active rest". It's a good way to get your calorie burn while lifting weights.

    In my opinion, if you're going to work out 4 times a week (which is about what I do), it should be 2x cardio and 2x strength training. Since tapering off my exclusively-cardio workouts and adding strength training, my results have really accellerated. I can't recommend it enough. Use your diet to maintain your weight loss, strength training to preserve your muscular frame, and cardio to promote cardiovascular health. You need all of it.
  • forever28
    forever28 Posts: 374 Member
    Work on cardiovascular workouts with some muscle toning techniques. Don't focus so much on workouts that build a ton of muscle in your arms or chest, they're usually longer and that muscle can lie under the fat making you look larger if you don't do enough cardio. Seeing these results can discourage you from progressing further.
    Terrible advice, honestly. First of all, you won't put on a significant amount of muscle if you are in a calorie deficeit mode. The goal of strength training during a diet is to maintain muscle while you lose. Second of all, read almost any article/blog/post from a professional trainer on here and all of them recommend a strength training regimen for people trying to lose weight. Preserving muscle means preserving your metabolism and also when you are skinny you don't want to look "skinny fat'. You want to have definition and build.

    Usually when I lift weights I do circuits or something that keeps my heart rate up while I lift. If I work one muscle group for one lift, I'll use another group for my next lift so it promotes "active rest". It's a good way to get your calorie burn while lifting weights.

    In my opinion, if you're going to work out 4 times a week (which is about what I do), it should be 2x cardio and 2x strength training. Since tapering off my exclusively-cardio workouts and adding strength training, my results have really accellerated. I can't recommend it enough. Use your diet to maintain your weight loss, strength training to preserve your muscular frame, and cardio to promote cardiovascular health. You need all of it.

    Nice advice!! Kudos! :flowerforyou: And, I totally agree! :heart:
  • bobbijo72
    bobbijo72 Posts: 63
    Work on cardiovascular workouts with some muscle toning techniques. Don't focus so much on workouts that build a ton of muscle in your arms or chest, they're usually longer and that muscle can lie under the fat making you look larger if you don't do enough cardio. Seeing these results can discourage you from progressing further.
    Terrible advice, honestly. First of all, you won't put on a significant amount of muscle if you are in a calorie deficeit mode. The goal of strength training during a diet is to maintain muscle while you lose. Second of all, read almost any article/blog/post from a professional trainer on here and all of them recommend a strength training regimen for people trying to lose weight. Preserving muscle means preserving your metabolism and also when you are skinny you don't want to look "skinny fat'. You want to have definition and build.

    Usually when I lift weights I do circuits or something that keeps my heart rate up while I lift. If I work one muscle group for one lift, I'll use another group for my next lift so it promotes "active rest". It's a good way to get your calorie burn while lifting weights.

    In my opinion, if you're going to work out 4 times a week (which is about what I do), it should be 2x cardio and 2x strength training. Since tapering off my exclusively-cardio workouts and adding strength training, my results have really accellerated. I can't recommend it enough. Use your diet to maintain your weight loss, strength training to preserve your muscular frame, and cardio to promote cardiovascular health. You need all of it.

    Nice advice!! Kudos! :flowerforyou: And, I totally agree! :heart:

    i also agree... it is very important to maintain and build lean muscle which in turn helps burn fat.. if you watch any pro show or pt you see they always do strength traiing.. i am also doin p90x.. very intense but it is doable by anyone if you just do what you can.. eventually you will be able to do it all... just do what you can handle the important thing is to stick to it and do it every day.. i like p90x because the workouts change often.. i also highly recommend the soutbeach... i hate to say diet.. would rather call it a lifestyle.. it works wonders.. and the new book with the workouts is even better... its about better choices.. NOT deprivations... stick to it.. do what you can and everyday you will see how you can do more and more.. before you know it.. you will reach your goal. GOOD LUCK!
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I didnt lose quite that much yet but i have about 20 or 30 more to lose b4 im at my goal. I lost 50 last year with jumping off and on the wagon alot lol I'm not a very consistent person :/
    feb of last year
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
  • lowpost42
    lowpost42 Posts: 49
    Let me find a "before" pic and I'll post my current (down 70 pounds).
  • primus_guy
    primus_guy Posts: 53 Member
    For years I started and stop various weight loss and exercise programs. Last year I lost 25 lbs before I badly sprained my ankle. I stopped exercising and shortlyafter the bad eating habits came back. At the begining of Feb I started again since i mad at myself to allow myself to gain back most of the effort. My goal is to lose 50 lbs. I didn't take pictures at the begining and I now wish that I had.

    I started with a different app before a friend told me about MFP. Since I started, I've lost 15 lbs. My weigh in day is Thursday and I expect to see continued loss. I won't say that this journey has been easy. It also hasn't been fast. On the other hand, I didn't put the weight on overnight so why should I expect it come off that fast.

    One that helped me is to establish short term goals. I was first happy to break 220. The next milestones were 215 and 210. Now I can't wait until I get below 205 and 200. When I stopped last year I weighed 205 lbs. Its been about 20 years since I weighed less than 200 lbs. While you have an end goal that you're working towards, do focus all of your attention to it. focus more on the near term goals since you will achieve them faster.

    The support from close friends and family members have been very important to help me keep going. The MFP comunity have been great too since we're all going through the same thing. The forums are a great resource for new recipes and meal suggestions, as well as to just ask questions or seek support.

    Feel free to ask any questions or add me as a friend. Best of luck on your journey.
  • bobbijo72
    bobbijo72 Posts: 63
    @ ahsongbird.. great job.. it does not look like the same person.. keep up the good work! ;)
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