Having trouble with binges.



  • JaimeNay
    JaimeNay Posts: 80 Member
    At the beginning of the year when I got serious about losing weight, I quit buying anything unhealthy, that includes snack foods. , I'd go to the pantry or the fridge and there was literally nothing to binge on. I'd have to cook something if I wanted to eat and I'd realize that it wasn't worth it. I'd get some water and walk away and wait until dinner or snack time and have something healthy. The worst was when I craved chocolate, so I'd make myself a chocolate Shakeology. It was healthy and it satasified my sweet tooth.

    I have 3 boys, and they started complaining that they didn't have anything to snack on after school because I quit buying junk food. I got them to eat string cheese, yogurt, or fruit to satisify them until dinner. It's either eat healthy or don't eat at all. It's become a family effort. I told them when they get old enough, move out, and they buy the groceries, they can buy junk food then. Hopefully I have installed good eating habits with them by then and they won't want it.

    I'm not letting my kids, my husband, or anyone else tempt me by the foods they want. I'm the cook, so they'll eat what I fix. I try to make everyone happy but with better options. I don't want to be responsible for my chiild becoming obese just because I didn't want to tell them NO. I get them involved in picking out foods at the store that are healthy and that they'd like for a snack. You'd be amazed at what they choose if they get to make the choice.

    So now I have no excuses or temptations to binge. The bad food is gone and I don't have those cravings anymore. Good luck.
  • wildsun
    wildsun Posts: 24
    I have a strict cut off time for food. After dinner, I do not eat anything. There is no snack to go overboard with that way.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I so sympathise with you on this!! I have the same problem and sometimes I feel like i have tackled it but then a weekend or evenig at home will roll around and I totally sabatoge what I have been doing. While I've definately not conquered it, I have developed some tips:

    1. If its not in the house, I can't eat it.
    2. Tea, sometimes plain, sometimes flavoured.
    3. Its like smoking I figure so I keep my hands busy, I have taken up cross stitching!
    4. Cleaning (but not the kitchen!)
    5. Sparkling water - gives you that full feeling faster

    Hope it helps, good luck with tackling those binges.
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Thank you so much for posting this. I have these stupid binges and then I hate myself!! It has been a never ending cycle!!! I have found as long as it isn't in the house-I can't eat it. However-if it is in the house...and no one is around....I WILL EAT AND EAT! Even if I am telling myself I am full-I will still eat. I feel if no one sees me, then it didn't happen-which of course isn't true. Anyway-thanks for posting this-I am liking the tips! (Especially the one about making sure to not be home alone-that is a great idea)