Healthy food names.. wtf.. where do I find this stuff?

Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
I want to eat healthy to be healthy. I have been looking up many new recipes online, in books, ect. As a child my mom fed me greasy tacos and tatortot casserole. All I ate for veggies were carrots, peas, corn and beans. lol... So when I see these foods in recipes I have NO CLUE what the food even is, where to find it, or let alone how to prepare it.
Fine example today..looking through a Simple Living magazine.. some recipes called for Kale, others for pine nuts, and of course all different kinds of beans. Not sure where to find these things. Feel like a complete moron asking someone in the store.. and also wondering about cost. I want to lose weight, be healthy, but I hardly have the funds for speciality foods


  • marapalumbo
    marapalumbo Posts: 85 Member
    LOL I totally understand! I grew up in a small town where those kinds of foods were not in the stores. I find myself looking up a lot of foods online!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I find that google images are really helpful...

    If I don't know what an ingredient is I just google a picture of it... and don't be afraid to ask... people wont think anything of it.
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    Some things are really easy to find; depending on your area. I live in WY, so sometimes it's a challenge! Pine nuts can be found at your local grocery store or I've also bought them at Costco (they're really yummy toasted). Kale is a dark,green leafy vegetable...kind of like a robust lettuce. It can also usually be found at your local grocery store; although the only reason I knew about it is because I used to be a waitress and we "decorated" the salad bar with it! LOL

    If all else fails, play dumb and ask one of the grocery store clerks! Don't feel stupid; that's part of their job! :) They will usually lead you right to whatever you're looking for or let you know that they don't carry it. Nothing worse than roaming around the aisles aimlessly and getting frustrated!

    That being said, you don't need to eat exotically to be successful in your weightloss journey. Staples like raw carrots, lettuce, cucumbers, apples, bananas and the like can be part of a healthy diet. Good luck to you!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Kale is just like lettuce, just more ...."beefy" and different nutrient values. It's with the lettuce usually.
    Pine nuts... are kind of like sunflower seeds.
    They shouldn't be too expensive at a regular store, but at like a health food store, the cost goes up :)

    Just a warning! Quinoa.... Is said Keen-wah :)
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Local co-operatives or farmers markets can be great places to find specialty items, along with organic or specialty food marts. That said, it is more expensive. So shop the frozen aisle and canned aisles. I can't get edamame (soy beans) at my local grocery so I buy them frozen. Today's grocery stores carry a lot of the fresh leafy greens that are hip right now (Kale, etc). I recommend "Cooking Light" magazine because they show lots of pictures and use ingredients that aren't so hard to come by.

    Google images is a GREAT idea if you don't know what something looks like. I do it all the time. I was NOT born knowing what okra is. I'm from the north east. And always ask your grocer too, often they can get in special produce if there is a demand for it.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    Pine nuts are hard to find. I wouldnt be embarrased about asking for them because alot of people don't know how to use them. Kale is easy just go to the produce section and look by the lettuce and stuff. Kale is a green like collards and lettuce. Its fairly inexpensive. Beans are easy and inexpensive too. They should be at the end of the aisle probably by the pasta in bags. Canned beans should be in the canned vegetables aisle. Look up the ingredients and get to know em. Cooking is fun and you can make some really impressive meals with just a bit of effort.
  • I've found this guide from whole foods to be quite helpful - even if I'm not shopping there! Also not to champion Whole Foods too much, because I don't personally shop there more than a couple times a year and I find them to be very expensive, BUT! if there's one near you, you can go in to the produce department and ask to sample *anything* you see... they'll gladly slice up a fruit or veg for you to try. Great if you have a recipe for something but you're not sure you'll like it!

    Also this link has pictures for everything, although its for the UK and Ireland, so the names might be different here in the US:
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Just remember that you’re learning a new language. It takes time to learn what different ingredients are and how they connect to their things. For instance, pine nuts are just a large seed. They’re not essential to any recipe. You can always substitute what you have or what you can find (walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds), or leave it out all together. You will get better as you become a more experienced cook used to using raw ingredients, instead of semi-homemade meals. Just be patient with yourself and don’t be afraid to hand your entire list to the produce guy and ask for help. There is no shame in admitting you don’t know something.
  • Arynamber
    Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
    Thanks :)
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Agree with what everyone else said... I also wanted to add that I feel like I eat fairly healthy and eat a variety of vegetables without eating much of the more exotic expensive ones. Potatoes, onions, peppers, mushroom, carrots, different lettuces, broccoli are all easy to find and not too expensive. :) (Kale is on my list to try someday though!)
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    I want to eat healthy to be healthy. I have been looking up many new recipes online, in books, ect. As a child my mom fed me greasy tacos and tatortot casserole. All I ate for veggies were carrots, peas, corn and beans. lol... So when I see these foods in recipes I have NO CLUE what the food even is, where to find it, or let alone how to prepare it.
    Fine example today..looking through a Simple Living magazine.. some recipes called for Kale, others for pine nuts, and of course all different kinds of beans. Not sure where to find these things. Feel like a complete moron asking someone in the store.. and also wondering about cost. I want to lose weight, be healthy, but I hardly have the funds for speciality foods

    OMG.. WHAT A RELIEF, I thought I was the only one with this issue. I am sorry that you are struggling with that and I know your pain. I have been also doing a lot of googling and asking friends to figure it all out.

    My situation was just me and my dad most of my teenage years and he worked nights so I pretty much ate something prepared from a box or sandwiches or at friends houses.

    Thanks everyone for you ideas.. you have helped more than one confused soul today. THANkS!
  • aryaw
    aryaw Posts: 36 Member
    I know what you mean! Once I started to become more healthy in my cooking & eating I had to ask where to find some of the items in the recipes I wanted to try - don't feel stupid or dumb for asking - its when you don't ask where to find and item that seems silly to me, I mean, they get paid to help customers find products and want to sell you items on their

    I thought shopping "healthy" meant I was going to have to break the bank but really I shop fairly healthy and there is no bank busted here & I cook for 2 adults and 4 can be done on a budget (meal planning will help the budget alot too!)
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