New vegetarian!

I've decided to go vegetarian! It seems like a logical choice to me, the only meat I eat is chicken and I haven't even had that for roughly 2 weeks so it's not a big part of my diet! I used to be a hard core carnivore but for someone who loves fuzzy critters as much as do, why the heck was I eating them? I dont like fish so being a pescatarian isn't an option for me! I was just looking for some advice from seasoned vegetarians! Should I start taking some sort of supplement? I'm not really sure what kind of nutrients meat gives us and I'm sure I could google it, but I'd rather hear from real people!! Thank you!


  • s_carver
    s_carver Posts: 1
    We need meat for protein mostly, so a good way to get protein would be from lots of nuts. Eat all types of nuts instead of meat. There is a book I have been reading and its cheap to buy. It is called skinny *****, and it gives you all kinds of advice! It a very good book for vegetarians
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    i was a vegetarian for 12 years, and was advised not to take supplements by my doctor. eat lots of pulses, lentils etc, and iron rich vegetables, broccoli, spinach, etc.

    depending how strict you want to be, watch out for gelatin, rennet, and certain colourings, it can be in ALOT of things you dont realise!

    good luck
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    I also used to be a big carnivore and then when I was majoring in Animal Science and took the related classes, I learned too much to be able to handle eating meat anymore. I have been a vegetarian for 3+ years now. I take a multi vitamin daily to make sure I get enough iron, etc. I do still eat eggs/dairy for protein, but also use Special K20 protein water mix sometimes. People eat meat for protein, but you can get protein from other sources. If you have any questions feel free to message me!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have been a vegetarian for 20 years, and haven't noticed any nutritional issues. I do take regular vitamin and omega 3 supplements, though.