
MLG010105 Posts: 29
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
So, last week, I finally decided to start eating my exercise calories. Since I've dropped some weight, I'm getting down to a size where I need to eat my exercise cals in order to stay above 1200 net calories. I don't own a personal HRM, so I've been relying on the machine's HRMs and calorie counters. I figured they overestimated the calories a bit, so I've only been eating back about 60-70% of what the machine says I've earned.

Well, I only lost .5 lbs last week, and I barely eeked by with that despite high-impact cardio for a total of six hours last week.

So, today, I decided to manually measure my heart rate this morning and then do the calculations for calories burned. It turns out that I've really probably only been burning about 40-50% of what the machines have said. Which means I've been eating an extra 200-300 calories EACH DAY for the past week.

*No wonder* I barely lost this week. I'll definitely be more judicious with my exercise calories this week and in the future!


  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    You can get an HRM for about $30...good investment. :bigsmile:
  • Don't forget that you DID lose this week though. Little victories are still victories. :smile:
  • BrocksMommy
    BrocksMommy Posts: 35 Member
    Don't forget that you DID lose this week though. Little victories are still victories. :smile:

    Thats true!!!! At least it was something!! :))) Cheer up!
  • Twinkieo
    Twinkieo Posts: 4 Member
    Make sure you are doing strength training too. This will help you burn more during cardio. Muscles burn more. So - add some core and total body strengthening into your workout to get more burn!
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Ummmm 5 pounds in one weeks is actually very good. The average/healthy lbs loss in a week is roughly 2 lbs. Why dont you save the time and stress and buy a heart rate monitor.
  • Ummmm 5 pounds in one weeks is actually very good. The average/healthy lbs loss in a week is roughly 2 lbs. Why dont you save the time and stress and buy a heart rate monitor.

    .5 not 5, I thought that it said 5 at first and then I went back and read it again. HAHA!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have been eating way under my calories, under the 1200 most days, and exercising 2-5 times a week, for an hour, high intensity, and have lost.......4lbs in 8 weeks. How annoying is that? How is it even possible?
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I have been eating way under my calories, under the 1200 most days, and exercising 2-5 times a week, for an hour, high intensity, and have lost.......4lbs in 8 weeks. How annoying is that? How is it even possible?

    Because you aren't eating enough calories to fuel your body. Read this:

    That may help clear some things up for you. Good luck!
  • NAMsMommy
    NAMsMommy Posts: 132 Member
    I have been eating way under my calories, under the 1200 most days, and exercising 2-5 times a week, for an hour, high intensity, and have lost.......4lbs in 8 weeks. How annoying is that? How is it even possible?

    You might be under eating. That happened to me. I kept right at 1200-1300 for months and worked out every day at least 30 minutes with just barely a loss. Then I started here with the net calories and in the month I have been on here, even with my "bad" days, I am still losing apx a lb a week.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I struggle to believe the too few calories thing as 2 of my sisters are size 6 UK (0 US) and eat almost nothing. I have tried to match what they eat but just can't do it. And yet they are tiny. It has to be all about calories in vs calories out.
  • MLG010105
    MLG010105 Posts: 29
    Thanks, everyone! I'm not discouraged. I was just disappointed that I was actually burning something like 400-500 calories when I thought I was burning 900-1000 cals. ;)

    To the poster who isn't even eating 1200 cals...what you're doing isn't healthy. Your body is probably slowing down your metabolism in order to preserve what little energy you're giving it. Make sure you eat at least 1200 *net* calories each day and see if that doesn't encourage your body to let go of the extra fat.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I struggle to believe the too few calories thing as 2 of my sisters are size 6 UK (0 US) and eat almost nothing. I have tried to match what they eat but just can't do it. And yet they are tiny. It has to be all about calories in vs calories out.

    I understand that it seems counterintuitive. But try it for 2-3 weeks and I PROMISE you will see a difference. Don't compare yourself to your sisters; just focus on YOU!!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Also the only time in my life I have ever really lost weight was when I was rowing 2 hours a day competitively and eating 900-1200 cals a day. Maybe I just do naturally have a very low metabolism. When I eat normally, I pile on weight.

    Anyway, sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Also the only time in my life I have ever really lost weight was when I was rowing 2 hours a day competitively and eating 900-1200 cals a day. Maybe I just do naturally have a very low metabolism. When I eat normally, I pile on weight.

    Fair enough. Just remember, you were younger when you were rowing and your body changes and needs different things as you get older. We all just want to help you so take the advice if you like. Either way, good luck reaching your goals.
  • MLG010105
    MLG010105 Posts: 29
    I struggle to believe the too few calories thing as 2 of my sisters are size 6 UK (0 US) and eat almost nothing. I have tried to match what they eat but just can't do it. And yet they are tiny. It has to be all about calories in vs calories out.

    Well, clearly what you're doing right now is working just fine for you. Don't worry about taking our advice or trying what has worked for others. You seem to be convinced that you know everything about your body, even though you are the one who expressed disappointment with how your current system seems to be panning out. Good luck.
  • A size 6 in the UK is more like a size 4 over here. At least from my experience. When I was a 16 over there I was a 14 over here... just saying.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    I hope this makes you feel better: I weighed myself last night and lost NOTHING!! 5 days or working out and ate very well!! Nothing to show for it :/ I have been doing crazy weight training so maybe i lost fat and gained muscle, HOPEFULLY! :sad:
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