Extremely Picky Eater - Help?

Krissy_breann Posts: 26
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
So, I've had terrible eating habbits since I was probably 5. I stopped eating healthy, and I've stayed like that. Does anyone have any suggestions to trying new food or have any easy recipes? I'd really like to turn this around, but I find it really hard to try new foods, so I need to start off with small changes, not drastic. I eat almost all fruit except bananas, but I eat no veggies (unless you count corn). I do eat chicken and sausage, and sometimes catfish, but that is the only meat, though I would like to open up to more a variety. Anyone else with this problem, any suggestions? This hasn't gotten in the way of my weight loss, 9 pounds in about a month. But, I feel like it will cause help complications the older I get, plus people get annoyed when I eat nothing on the menu! :cry: Old habits really do die hard!


  • jdedzant
    jdedzant Posts: 34
    If you like cooking, try cookinglight.com. they have a feature where you can type in an ingredient you like and a bazillion delicious, healthy, and often really easy recipes come up. i'm kinda addicted to the site :)

    if you like oatmeal cookies, the recipe everyone in my lab is obsessed with when i make them is the heart smart chocolate cherry oatmeal cookies. AMAZING!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    As you age usually your tastes change. Things I didn't like when I was young I actually love now. Keep trying things that you thought you didn't like . . . and be open minded.
    For optimal health you need more veggies in your diet than anything else so you really need to find ones you can enjoy. My husband is not fond of some veggies so I make him zuccini bread for his lunches, plus put lettuce on his sandwiches for a bit more veggy during the day.
    I would try to google "vegtable recipes for nohn-vegtable eaters" as there are a lot of cool ways to slip veggies into things and you can't even tell they are there.
    My daughter has been a very picky eater, but now at 22 years old her common sense has taken over and she is more willing to try things than she was a few years ago, she has also been surprised at some of the things she likes now.
  • fitmomma23
    fitmomma23 Posts: 94 Member
    Oh you sound like me!! I am in the same boat. I drive my husband crazy because I don't want to try new things. But in the last year or so i have gotten a little better. I think you just need to change your mind frame, just take little tasts of things and test it out. And that website jdedzant just posted sounds awesome!
  • nurse_chris
    nurse_chris Posts: 189
    lol, well with the mindset of losing weight, you have to lose some of your finickier tastes.... Find things that work for you in regards to vegetables as they will be a must in your journey.... maybe start with veggies in a low fat/sodium dip. I don't like kale raw, but i love kale baked on a cookie sheet with sprinkles of shredded cheddar and cayenne pepper..

    Also, you might want to take sausage off your list of meats. Have you tried tuna with french's spicy brown mustard instead of mayo? Actually any fish fillets... if the taste is too much for you, marinate them in lemon juice for a few hours or overnight.....

    Good luck, i can spew all this to you, but i like these foods..... now if someone suggested brussel sprouts to me...... yuck
  • Thanks for replying! I'm on that cooking website right now, it looks like something I'd use! My taste buds probably have changed, I'm making a shopping list of things I'd like to try. I did try chicken dumplings a few weeks ago, but the flavor was just too much! :sick: I'm searching up different ways of preparing veggies, too. Oh, I don't eat condiments at all, but I should start looking into different fish and meat and such, haha.
  • Bump!
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