Help! Stuck at same weight for a month!


I don't know what to do. I have been at the same weight for one month and I am really frustrated. I have 40 more pounds to go, so I don't understand it. I stay between 1250-1500 calories and exersize 4x a week. I am ready to give up!


  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    if you have plateaued then chances are the body has adapted to what you are doing, change it up, get a completely new workout routine start doing HIIT training or metabolic resistance training, and here are a few tips I use;
    1) Eat 30g of protein within 30 mins of waking up
    2) drink ice water 1 cup within 30 mins of waking
    3) cylce cals, daily cals is not as important as weekly cals so go over some days
    4) eat more on days you workout, so if you eat 1200 normally eat 1600 on workout days
    5) eat or drink 30g of protein post workout.

    Now with that said since your diary is not public I can not offer any diet specific to you advice. The body will adapt to whatever you are doing so you need to rotate what you do to keep it guessing and avoid a plateau. Also get measurements, scale weights are not very accurate when looking at fat loss as muscle gain can offset fat loss, measurements tell the true story there.