need to lose 30lbs and can't excercise

This is my first post, I injured myself 9months ago and have been on crutches since, as a result I haven't been able to exercise, before this DISASTER I was a lifeguard and extremely fit but ate an enormous amount of calories per day.
Since I haven't been exercising I have cut the amount of calories considerably but am finding it REALLY hard to lose weight, think I need some motivation!!Please add me :smile: I wanna hear how well others have done. How long is a reasonable amount of time to lose 30lbs?

Ems x


  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    I injured my knee a while ago, on crutces I did shadow boxing!!! It is great cardio plus you can do it while sitting!!:flowerforyou:
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    I've lost that much between last August & November, but that was with some cardio in there. Go with a low carb (Atkins or South Beach) type of diet, but make it your own. It'll teach you good carbs & bad carbs & how to control your health/weight that way. It's done wonders for me! :happy:
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Also just using the crutches is a workout in itself! ;):drinker: (lots of water)
  • mikegohl
    mikegohl Posts: 68 Member
    Have you tried swimming with a pull bouy? The last time I tore my LCL, I swam my knee back to health. I never responed well to physical therapy.
  • dancinblonde0099
    dancinblonde0099 Posts: 118 Member
    Stick with the callories MFP give you to consume and you should see changes! Goodluck
  • emma2309
    emma2309 Posts: 203 Member
    Shadow boxing is a good idea!
    Swimming with a pull buoy is out of the question because I'm back in a cast again, just got part of a bone removed from my foot, all very complicated!I am planning on being able to walk again in 3 or 4months and then I will have no problem exercising, I just dont wanna go back to my carb full diet, I want to change that now :) thanks for all your replies!