Looking for some motivation

Hey everyone. I grew up with very generous grandparents who fed me plump. I'm 21 and started my fitness journey about a year ago. I was 280lbs and one day just decided to see if I could only eat healthy foods. By eating fast food and pizza all the time, I had heartburn constantly and my sodium levels were through the roof. I got down to 180 in a years time but got lazy again and stopped working out for about five months. My eating habits aren't perfect like they were but I definitely haven't reverted back to gorging myself. I'm back to about 205lbs and I know it won't take too much time to lose but some support would be helpful.

To other newcomers, I can lend some advice on how to leave your unhealthy lifestyle in the dust. I've been there.

I'm starting again on my 6-day a week workout regiment. Workouts are about 45 minutes and focus mainly on cardio, core, and muscle toning techniques.

Good to be here guys and good luck on your own journeys to healthier lifestyles.


  • indigocat
    indigocat Posts: 23 Member
    All the very best to you. You have done this before so you can definitely do it!