
Hey folks.
I've been so proud of how I've modified my lifestyle to enhance my fitness...I do yoga every day and eat well...the results have been great. Then today, I laughed, and suddenly had a lot of discomfort in the left side of my abdomen. A quick examination with my hand (while I continued my funny story to my friends) revealed a large bulge that was getting larger! I pushed, and it quickly disappeared.
It's suspected to be a hernia...the combination of having three kids and having worked my core so much lately I guess made for a bad situaion. I have the ultrasound tomorrow.
I'm feeling...mad! I've worked so hard, and I don't want to have to compromise my fitness in fear of this happening again! The doc indicated they most likely wouldn't think about fixing it unless it became a dangerous situation...so do I have to worry about this popping out ever time I laugh, or pick up my youngest, or do yoga?
Anyone have experience with this?
Just a bit discouraged over here...


  • onvacation
    onvacation Posts: 24 Member
    That is so scary! Glad you are having it checked out! Let us know what the Doc says!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear this! You have just been an animal with the workouts, too, so I realize how disappointing this must be for you. :frown:

    I don't know much about hernias, unfortunately, but wanted you to know I'm pulling for you. :flowerforyou:
  • treekins
    treekins Posts: 73 Member
    Thank you!

    Well it's not visible now. I feel a little uncomfortable, but when my oldest asked to do yoga tonight, I couldn't say no...it felt good to do it. I took it easy and nothing bad happened...can't live in fear, right?
    We'll see what happens; I keep updating!