Whya Haven't I Lost More Weight?!



  • chefchazz
    chefchazz Posts: 427
    if i had to guess, id say more food. awesome commitment to the workout!
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    If you are working out 2.5 hours a day and burning 800+ calories you aren't eating enough. That will make your body hold on to everything you eat because you go into starvation mode. You need to shoot for a net of 1200-1500 calories a day. When I was netting below that I stopped losing weight too.

    Be careful of the dressings and sauces you eat. I was a dressing hog when I started this. Even when you stick to a serving...that is usually over 100 calories for only 2 tablespoons of something. As much as I hated it I had to find lower calorie/ carb options or find a recipe to make it homemade (like out of Greek yogurt). Creamy Italian was my favorite.

    Your food choices for the most part are fine from what I see. I just don't think you are taking in enough calories for the amount of exercise you are doing. Try reducing your exercise time and eating more. Eating 6 small meals a day works for me because it stops blood sugar highs and lows. I hope this gives you some ideas.
  • khlopezmorris
    You are not doing anything wrong. In fact, your doing just fine as you said you have lost 2.75 inches around your waist...Congratulations. Most likely you are gaining muscle which weighs more than fat (it also burns calories too) so don't be so concerned with the "scale." Your loss of inches and gain in muscle mass is a good thing. Be sure to change up your exercise routine so your not doing the same one over and over and increase your weights gradually once the 5lbs get too easy. You should be struggling a bit to finish your sets. Get outside and run several times a week if you don't have any injuries preventing running, and occasionally go hiking/backpacking (add some weight to your pack i.e. lunch, water, wallet, etc that will give you an exercise boost). if you have a dog take him/her and go out for a run, walk or hike. You'll both get in some good exercise and build the trust and bond between each other...yes, I am a dog person! lol
    I hope this helps. Keep up the good work and don't beat yourself up over numbers on a scale. Remember, it's the inches/dress size lost and the muscle mass you build that is important.