Anyone else Gluten or Wheat Flour intolerant??

ttaghermann Posts: 9
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I just found out that I am gluten and wheat flour intolerant. This means I have to stay away from a lot of breads, pastas, and other things. Is there anyone else that is intolerant or allergic to these items that may be able to help me learn to cook with new gluten/wheat flour free foods???


  • I just found out that I am gluten and wheat flour intolerant. This means I have to stay away from a lot of breads, pastas, and other things. Is there anyone else that is intolerant or allergic to these items that may be able to help me learn to cook with new gluten/wheat flour free foods???
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    My son is gluten/wheat intolerant and I am to whole wheat. There are lots of cookbooks out there that are available. Bette Hagman's flour mix is suppose to be some of the best but I have not tried it yet. When you use gluten free flour, be sure to use xanthan gum or guar gum too. I believe it's 1/2 tsp gum to 1 cup of flour. One cookbook that I use that has been really great is actually for kids but my hubby and I enjoy the recipes as well. It's called the Kid-Friendly Cookbook for Autism & ADHD or something like that. It has a lot of recipes and all I have tried so far are very good. There are also websites that are for celiacs that will have a lot of recipes for you to try. This is another one that I just recently looked at: There are lots of them out there. If there is anything I can help you with just message me! I will be glad to help!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I also forgot to mention that there are quite a few rice pastas out there too that are pretty good. The health food stores have them and Kroger's (if you have one there near you) has small selection also of gluten free foods. There's also a list of foods to stay away from, hidden foods that I can try to find if you like. Again, I am here to help! I don't know everything, and I am still learning as we just found out about my son a few months ago.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Not sure I can say that I am totally intolerant but I am in the process of trying to weed out the things that we have sensitiveties to. Gluten is definately on my dauther has issues with and I am finding that I also have some issues with it. So for us it is finding out by experimenting taking things out of our diets.

    It is definately difficult and a learning process.
  • Melissa,

    Thank you. I has been really hard to try to adjust. My kids and husband have no problems so it is hard to cook for all of us. I have tried some gluten/wheat free noodles for spaghetti along with a gluten/wheat free pizza crust and used it as garlic bread. It actually wasn't that bad. What I am having a hard time with is the "hidden" ingredients in different foods that I think are ok but then after I eat them I do not feel so great. I guess it's the hard way to learn! It will be nice to know of someone else that has the same issues. Thank you!
  • Yes you are right it is a difficult learning process. I am happy to know that there are people on this website that I can talk to and get ideas from! Thank you.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Yes the hidden wheat has been a problem for us. Just when I get my son's system cleaned out I wold find something in soup or something that I didn't know about. Here's a link that might help:
    Some of the list is about casein also, which wouldn't apply. I thought there was a list somewhere on line that you could print out and take to the store but I will have to see if I can find it. After seeing what wheat does to my son, (behavioral changes, quits talking and spaces out) I feel like it's poison when it creeps in. Thankfully the side effects pass after time but still it's hard to get through and heartbreaking. My husband is really good about eating whatever I put before him so that helps. He has liked pretty much everything I have made so far that is gluten free, and a lot of things he wouldn't be able to tell except that our son was eating it too.
    It will take some time, but soon it will be second nature! It has gotten easier for me just in the short time we've been doing it.
  • Melissa,

    I checked out the website you offered and it is really helpful. Thank you. I will use this when I do my grocery shopping!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Glad I could be of help!:happy:
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