kmatt76 Posts: 2
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
Okay, I just heard about PB2. Who's tried it? What are the pros and cons? Thanks! : )


  • marulm
    marulm Posts: 26 Member
    I couldn't find a store near me, and it is pricey to ship, but I found partially-defatted peanut flour at Trader Joe's, and at least by the ingredient/nutrition listing, it is exactly the same. I love it, mix it in fat-free Greek yogurt and a little stevia to make a dip for apples or carrots. The PB2 website has lots of good recipes.
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    I havent tried it yet, is it all real ingredients? Im fake food fussy but it sounds GREAT!
  • tweety170
    tweety170 Posts: 167
    I freaking love it! Only con is that you have to buy it on-line (unless you happen to find a store that carries it)...but it's so worth every penny. I am through a jar and a half already since the end of January. Friends bought the other two jars off of me so I just had to order more. I must never be without it again!! :) I put it in my Shakeology (you can mix it in any protein shake probably) or mix it with water (which is how you make it into peanut butter) and put it on low cal bread. I'm going to try and bake with it next! Yummy!! So good, a bunch of my friends just placed orders because they love it too!
  • i bought the regular and chocolate yesterday and i LOVE IT!! definitely worth the investment!
  • adurk
    adurk Posts: 14
    I have tried it! It is amazing. Granted it doesn't have quite the same taste or consistency as normal peanut butter but 2 tbs mixed with 1 tbs of water has like close to 10 grams of fat less and less calories. I think it tastes just as good. I haven't found it in stores either, I heard you can order it online. I believe they have some type of chocolate version available too...haven't tried that one though.
  • I love it, bought it on Netrition.com, they have it for 3.59 (expires June 30, 2011) or 3.99 regular price, I initially bought 4 and bought an additional 4 to keep in my stock. I use it for my shakes, I mix with a little water and dip apples in it. I also mixed some and put on celery with a couple of raisins. Ingridients are Roasted Peanuts, salt and sugar and 45 calories fo 2 tbsp.


  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    I use it almost daily. I really enjoy it. I mix it with choc protein shakes and they taste just like a reese peanut butter cup. Allows me to feel like I'm having a cheat snack but really staying on track. I also mix it with oatmeal and vanilla yogert. I get mine at a local HyVee. If they don't carry it they will order it for us at no cost to us. Otherwise I get it from a health food store.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Here's what I just posted on it the other day in another thread about it:

    PB2 is the love of my life. I make it normally to put it on VitaTops (or normal muffin tops), apples, make sandwiches, etc. But I'll also use hot water and add extra water to it to make an instant warm peanut butter sauce to pour over things. My current favorite treat with it is to pop a 100 calorie bag of popcorn, pour on a serving of PB2 that I've made with just under double the recommended amount of water and shake it all to coat the popcorn completely in the peanut butter.

    As a total peanut butter addict, this stuff is like a gift from the gods. I'll be making a batch of home made peanut butter marshmallow fluff next week for a recipe idea I've had and can't wait to see how it turns out. :D

    If you grew up on stuff like Jif or Skippy then it'll probably taste pretty different. But I grew up on all natural peanut butter, so this just tastes like my childhood to me.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    I love, love, love this stuff.

    Lower in Calories (http://www.bellplantation.com/nutrition)
    Natural with minimal additions (a little bit of sugar and salt, but not much) ... it's just what's left of the peanut after they squeeze the oil out.
    Great in recipes (chocolate peanut butter protein shakes, Thai peanut sauce, etc.)
    Allows me to enjoy "peanut butter' every day even when I don't have room for the extra calories from the peanut oil in regular peanut butter.
    Allows me to swap the peanut oil in regular peanut butter for olive oil, the fat in avocados, salmon, etc. and still have peanut butter.
    Great for hiking (super light, all you do is add water!).
    Yummy flavor

    Expensive compared to regular peanut butter.
    Doesn't have exactly the same consistency as regular peanut butter (but I disguise that with jam on a sandwich or by using it in recipes).
    The container goes fast! My hubby loves the stuff and we use at least one container every week.
    Have to get it at specific stores (or online) because not all of our local grocery stores carry it (I wish!).
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I have the trader joes version, and have barely touched it because it tasted horrible to me :noway: . But this thread made me try it again. This time I added a little SALT!!!! HUGE difference, now it tastes a lot like the trader Joe valencia pb I usually eat. Thanks all :tongue:
  • pammilou
    pammilou Posts: 96 Member
    I bought some from Netrition too and LOVE it. It's great for everything from sandwiches to making an Asian-type stir fry. (A little soy sauce, chicken stock, ginger, garlic, sesame oil and Splenda/sugar). Also something I learned is that if you're going to make a PB&J out of it, mix it directly with the jelly, not with water first then jelly or it'll be too watery.
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